Page 36 of Daddy's Devil

He slips an arm around me, jerking me against him. He kisses me softly. “I wish I could stay.”

“All these damn rules.”

“Well, if you’re the devil, just rip up the rules or ignore them.” He shrugs.

I smile and nip his chest. “I would, but I happen to like you and don’t want you in trouble.”

“Being kept a secret isn’t the worst thing in the world.” He kisses me one more time.

Konstantin gets dressed – a tragedy more upsetting than anything Shakespeare could write – and slips out the door with another kiss ... or seven. I slide down the back of my door and grin to myself.

Charlie trots over, wanting some attention. I stroke his fur and sigh. “Wow. I guess captivity could be worse. First Gio and now Kon.”

Nolan nudges my free hand and earns some pets for himself.

“I think I might die from happiness. Two sexy men all eager to have me, to be with me or maybe I’m just easier to please once I’ve come.”

Either way, I’m pleased. I fall asleep totally and completely happy for the first time in months. In the morning, I take my time getting ready, really wanting to show off for the guys. A green, silky wrap skirt that ties in front and is slit over my thigh along with a black top with sleeves that cling to my shoulders. I slide into some wedges, do my hair and makeup, then head downstairs.

I expect Konstantin, but instead, I find Gio and Max. Gio glares at the well-dressed man across from him, but Max is happily flashing smiles to women who can’t seem to stop looking at him. He completely ignores Gio’s attitude.

Gio stands when he sees me. “Your father would like to take you to lunch.”

I glance at the time. “It’s only ten!”

“He has reservations for eleven thirty. I didn’t want to put you on the spot.” But Gio’s eyes stroke over me, lingering on my cleavage. I walk towards him and stroke his side while pursing my lips. It’s the only way to keep from smirking. “Behave, Juliana.”

“That’s not what I did last time,” I whisper in his ear.

But I go easy on him, taking a step away. Gio glances at Charlie and Nolan in my purse and clears his throat. “Any shopping or trips before lunch.”

“How are you?” I try again for an actual conversation.

Gio deflates a little. “Exhausted, honestly. I’ve been having nightmares since our talk.”

“What secrets are you two sharing? Should I remind you that secrets aren’t very professional, kid?”

“Just two friends talking,” Gio assures him, but I catch the lopsided smile. It’s his tell. He’s pleased with himself, with his half-truth. “Nothing an old man needs to be worried about.”

Max laughs instead of biting back, but when Gio steps forward, showing the extra bit of height he has, he sighs. “You know, I think that you overestimate yourself and that worries me.”

“How sweet. See that, Juliana, Gio’s getting sweet on me.”

“I just think that your ego might need to be taken down a peg. And I can’t help but wonder if you’ve managed to get the attention you want while standing next to someone like me ... or Konstantin.”

Max’s eyes darken and he grits his teeth. I’m sure he’s going to say something since that seems like a dig that’s sticking, but when I see giant Konstantin approaching, my tongue knots itself. After last night ... Kon and Gio in the same room feels dangerous – and not in the fun kind of way.

Although ....

No. No. I shake my head of the thought. Neither of them seem to be the sharing type. I just won’t bring it up. It’s not like we’re heading towards anything serious, right? Sex isn’t serious. It’s casual for men, easy, and passionate.

But it doesn’t have anything to do with feelings even if I know Gio’s been crushing on me forever and I know I’ve had a crush on Kon that apparently wasn’t as one way as I thought it was.

“All three of you on duty today?” I ask Kon while Gio and Max keep arguing.

A hand brushes mine and I see Max, not exactly what’s expected. “We’re drawing attention. How about we take you to the spa?”

“Really? How are we going to do any kind of surveillance there?” Gio asks.