Page 31 of Daddy's Devil

I rub my temples. Are they seriously having a pissing contest right here in my living room? Nolan trots over to me and paws at my leg. I know if I don’t reach down, he’ll try and fail to get in my lap. I pick him up and pet him slowly while Gio and Max continue going at it.

“Well, now I just feel like a cock block,'' I say softly.

Both of them look over at me. I can see Gio’s all flushed, but why the hell is he upset? He got to fuck my mouth. And Max doesn’t know about that at all. Max got a dance and analmostkiss that I’m still thinking about and Gio got a whole lot more.

Not to mention, if either of them think that they’re going to lock me down after being close for a grand total of two days, they have another thing coming. I take what I want, when it’s offered because I know none of my relationships will last.

My fatherwillget in the way and either buy the person off or threaten them. My voice doesn’t matter.

“Juli-” Gio starts.

“You know, I’m pretty exhausted after everything today. I’m going to go to bed.” I cut him off. “If you two don’t mind.”

Max and Gio look at one another, each huffing. I nod to Max. “I appreciate you worrying about me, but I don’t need a chaperone. I know how to say ‘no’ all by myself.”

“You know that’s not the point, Juliana.”

“Then what’s the point? That I had Gio up here alone and made you sit downstairs all by yourself earlier?”

He sighs. “Never mind.”

Gio gives my hand a squeeze and promises to text me later before I shut them out of the penthouse and reclaim my home. Maybe I will actually make some of those amazon purchases tonight just to shake off Max and Gio’s attempts to claim me.

The next day,I just stay at home, lounging around, not sure what to do with myself. I get a few texts from Patricia, asking me for all the details since I obviously have to be enjoying at least one of my bodyguards.

I don’t tell her a thing. I love her, I trust her, but I know how easily it could get Gio and Konstantin in trouble. Hell, if someone did see Max and I almost kissing like that and word gets back to Daddy, I have a feeling Max might be missing the fingers I’d want most inside me.

No way could I lose out on that potential. And he shouldn’t suffer for something we both want as consenting adults. I stay in for two days as I recover from the night at the club. It takes me that long to be able to deal with the idea of being in public, despite my obvious demonstration that I kick ass.

However .... the idea of facing Gio has me a little shaken.

It’s not like I didn’t know what I was doing and I definitely enjoyed every moment we had together, but it complicates the hell out of things, especially if he thinks it means we’re ‘together’. Maybe it’s not fair of me.

But if we want to look at the play by play – Konstantin got his hands on me first, so if we’re using male logic, technically I’m his. Then again, how can anyone really get a feel for what they want unless they take a test drive, peruse a little. It’s just logical informed decision-making.

And, if I dabble a bit with all three of these men, maybe they won’t out each other so they’ll all be protected from Daddy. Or I’m just greedy and know that it’s hopeless for me to keep my hands off any of them for longer than a few days.

I decide to go out and find Konstantin waiting in the lobby. He’s reading some book on ... what looks like human behavior. A part of me really wants to try sneaking by him, just to see if I can, but I stand in front of him for a moment.

He sets the book down and stands. “Where are we headed?”

Ah, back to cold, expressionless, working bodyguard.

We go to the gym where I knock out the kickboxing class I love, then I hit a boxing class as well, before hitting the weights. Konstantin spots me, makes sure I don’t injure myself or others, and paces outside the ladies’ locker room while I shower, change, and take my time doing my makeup.

At least I know he’s giving Charlie and Nolan extra attention since I’m not around to see it. I treat him to lunch where he says maybe three words to me, then I drag him through a few different areas for shopping. With the holidays coming up, it’s never too soon to watch out for Christmas goodies.

“Do you like Christmas, Kon?”

“It’s fine.”

“Would you like me to make you a stocking?”

“I may not be on this detail at that time.”

I drop what I was looking at and face him as Charlie whimpers. Neither of us like that news. Konstantin meets my eyes without flinching, without any tell. I hate that I can’t read him like I used to. I hate that he’s this closed off.

“Want to expand on that?”