Page 23 of Daddy's Devil

One older woman with curly brown hair hides when I catch her looking. She adjusts her cardigan. I smile at her and she gives me a shy one back before the front desk person hands her something and sends her on her way.

At least her day is made.

Gio comes down a moment later and glowers at me. “I’m not leaving you alone with Juliana.”

I chuckle. “Good try, kid. We’re all here for the same reason.”

“That’s bullshit and you know it.” He hisses. “Konstantin and I actually care about her well-being and want to protect her. We’re not just here because Uncle Tony ordered it.”

“And I don’t care?”

“I know how you are with women. As long as they’re legal to drink, you’re happy to push every limit you can.”

He’s not technically wrong, but I’m not in the habit of pushing when I’m not wanted. I like enthusiasm, I like passion, and I like sex. Nothing wrong with any of that as long as my partner likes it all too.

Maybe Gio’s not used to the flirting being easy. Maybe he’s not used to enjoying the perks of the life we have. I stand up and adjust my suit. “I have watch tonight. Go have fun, get laid, be young, and enjoy it.”

“Max, so help me-”

“I like my life and I know if I touch Juliana, her father’s going to make it hard to keep living the way I want.” I glance at the elevator. “Unless she says she feels unsafe, I’ll be dropping her at the elevator tonight and any other time I’m on watch.”

“I’m going to hold you to your word.” Gio doesn’t look away from me.

I know he means it. Of course, he’s been by Juliana’s side for as long as I can remember. But he’s on something if he thinks that I’m not going to take this seriously. I sigh.

“Hold me to it, aggressively and unforgivingly. My job is to keep her alive and well. That’s priority number one.”

“After flashing smiles for every girl in the lobby?” Gio demands.

“It’s not just about ego. It’s about being able to make someone’s day a little brighter. What better way than giving a smile instead of asking for one?”

With that, I head out. I go about my day, and enjoy my routine: gym, food, clean up, and ready to go out. With a nice shirt and jeans, I head over to Juliana’s. Her father gave us her cell number and I call to let her know I’m here.

She picks up. “How did you get this number?”

The demand in her tone, her harshness, it draws me in. But I’m sure there’s more to her than a temper and blatant sex appeal. “Thank your father and don’t punish the messenger.”

“You could use some punishing, Max,” She grumbles.

“Then punish me by making me join you at a club or bar tonight. Test my patience and live a little.”

Silence answers me for a long time. No breathing, no nothing. She might have put me on mute. But then she’s back. “You really want to deal with me? Or are you hoping I get drunk and give you some dirt on Daddy?”

“If he knew I was offering to take you out of your castle, he’d pull me off the assignment. It’s our secret ... if you want it to be.”

“Sounds like you’re working an angle.”


“But a club does sound better than some gala where I have to be seen and not heard.” She sighs. “Aren’t you going to sweeten the pot?”

“You’ll get to torture me because I won’t be able to flirt with girls while watching you.” I chuckle. “And if you want, you can bring one of your other bodyguards or a friend.”

“I’ll think about it.”

“It’s already eight.”

“Either way, you’d be waiting an hour. Hope you brought a book.”