Page 3 of Daddy's Devil

After a few rounds, the other couple at the table has left, leaving two men I know her father has hired, myself, Patricia, and Juliana. Juliana sighs when I put down a card. “Your tell is hard.”

“Find out if I’m lying.” I challenge her.

She studies me intently, then puts a hand on my thigh, leaning towards me. She licks over her bottom lip and I follow the gesture with my eyes. I bet she tastes even better than she looks. I bet it’s worth the beating I’d get.

“Tell me a secret.”

“That’s truth or dare, a very different game.” I chuckle.

“One we might have to try later when I get you all to myself.” She grins wickedly and sits back. “What do you think of that?”

“I think you’d ruin me,” I say honestly.

She giggles and glances at Patricia. “Let’s end this silly game. If my Daddy bought you to watch me, leave.”

No one moves, but she narrows her eyes at two of the three other men at the table. Her voice sharpens along with her face. A lethal goddess with a look that would make Medusa tremble. “I said get up and leave.”

They glance at Mr. Giovani and walk away. I’m sure her father is bothered, but Patricia, Julianna, one other man, and I keep playing. I have a feeling I’m being studied by both of them. So instead of worrying about my orders or my job or restraining myself from giving in to every tempting word on Juliana’s lips, I focus on the game.

Until Juliana switches to wine as red as her lips and her foot brushes my ankle, slowly sliding up my calf. My eyes flick to hers.

“Juliana, play nice,” Patricia says with a teasing smile.

“It’s not me. Just Charlie being nosey,” She says and points down at the darker dog that’s also checking me out again.

“I’d like to hold him. He looks sweet,” I say simply.

“Just him? Nothing else here you’d like to hold ... put your hands on ... manhandle a little?” Her voice sounds innocent, but those wicked eyes are going to undo me yet. I’m sure of it. Juliana plays to win.



Big, tall, and delicious next to me has been shockingly quiet. Hasn’t tried to hit on me. Hasn’t been obviously keeping me in line, hasn’t been looking around like some kind of murderer is going to drop out of the sky and slit my throat.

I bite my pinky nail as he looks at his cards. There’s no tell on his face, no giveaway that I’m rubbing his calf with my toes under the table. “What about you?”


God, his voice is amazing. It rumbles from deep in his chest, is so deep. I’d love to hear him sing, maybe moan. He’d be good for at least one night. Maybe. I eye him again. Not all big guys are proportional. I learned that the sad way.

“I don’t even know your name.”

“I’m not very memorable then.” His hazel eyes spear me.

The green and brown strands in his irises loop and lace in a way that makes me dizzy. There’s no way I’d forget eyes like that. But they’re almost familiar. I look him over. No. There’s no way I’d forget a body like that. And there’s certainly no way I’d forget that voice.

“I’m searching my brain and can’t come up with anything. What a shame. I’d love to remember our time together. Was it spicy?” I gasp mockingly. “Did you take advantage of me while I was drunk?”

He just continues to watch me with a steady face. I lean towards him. “You can whisper it in my ear. Especially if you remember the details.”

He lays down four cards. “Your turn. Sevens.”

“I’d rather talk about you,” I say, laying down three.

Patricia sighs. “Any conditions for me, Juliana?”

I look at my one sure friend in the world. Patricia came into my life like a wrecking ball. She hated me and made it clear. And such blatant hatred in a world where people kiss my ass charmed me. All it took was one night drinking together senior year of college after she’d fought to avoid me for two years.