Page 21 of Daddy's Devil

“That I need to keep you safe, Juls. Let’s play a game.”

“More pretend?”

“You’re good at it.” He shrugs. “Let’s pretend that we’re knights and we need to get the princess in the shiny castle. The first one there gets the glory and the girl.”

I put a hand on my hip. “Really? That’s how you’re getting me back to the penthouse?”

“I’d offer to carry you, but I’m pretty sure Charlie will bite me.”

“Good call.” He takes my hand, but I don’t budge. “What?”

“When we get there, I want answers. I want to know what’s going on now. What trouble my father got me into, and why it’s taking three men to protect me.”

“Charlie likes me. I can take the purse, you grab her?”

I turn at the sound of Konstantin’s voice. I’m sure I’m blushing just looking at him after our time in my penthouse. The dinner, the laughing, and the make-out session were cut way too short. I suck my bottom lip.

“Unless you want to walk.” Kon meets my eyes.

He’s so cold. There’s no way I dreamed last night, is there? I just stare at Konstantin as he takes one step forward, then another, until he’s in my bubble and I’m forced to look up to meet his eyes.

“I’d recommend walking, Juls. You’ll draw more attention if we carry you,” Gio says.

I try to ask Kon if he remembers without using words, but his expression doesn’t change. Okay, ouch. So I just nod and follow Gio back to my penthouse. Both come inside with me as I toss my bags on the kitchen island and sit on the couch, setting Nolan and Charlie free from my purse.

Of course, Charlie trots over to Konstantin, tail wagging, ready to be pet and loved on. He paws at Konstantin’s leg.

“You’re too good to pet him?” I ask.

Kon swallows, the corner of his mouth turns up just slightly then he gently pats Charlie’s head. Nolan goes to his bed to watch from there as Gio paces. “I can’t tell you everything.”

“Because you don’t know or because Daddy Dearest would have a reason to fire you?”

“Juls, drop the sass for one conversation and I’ll tell you everything I can.” Gio comes to a stop in front of me.

I sit back on the couch. I feel frustrated and embarrassed right now. Between Konstantin wearing that damn mask again, Max flirting and telling me he’s going to be on my ass like Kon and Gio, and now Gio giving me half answers I’m going to end uphalfsane by the end of this.

“Your dad used lawyers to get out of an insurance payout. He’s done it before, with small clients, but never someone like this. It was a mistake. They’re threatening you. And obviously trying to make good on it.”

I look to Konstantin. He shrugs. “Mr. Volkov said I was requested. I came. I only got the notice to protect you at all costs, to keep you in sight, and not to let you get too close to anyone.”

Taking a slow breath, I shake my head. I laugh once and hold my head in my hands. “So you two and Max are the answer?”

“Max is more than a womanizer. Not the greatest choice, but he runs in a specific circle, one that can help. Not that he should be left alone with you.” Gio shrugs.

“This is insane. It’s ...” Nolan trots across the floor, then hops into my lap, whining at me. I realize how bad I’m shaking then.

All the bloodshed was supposed to be over when Mom died. That was supposed to be the end of the grief until everyone started getting old and passing from natural causes. I take a few deep breaths, like I learned in grief counseling.

I pet Nolan and rub the fabric of my dress so my brain relaxes a little.

“Juls, you still here?”

“Give me a minute please.”

Gio obediently falls silent. All I can hear is my pulse hammering in my ears. I need to piece this together. Everything in me hates that my father’s trouble is mine. Everything in me hates the need for assistance, but even knowing that I need it doesn’t mean that I have to just lock myself away.

There’s no reason I can’t fight it. All we have to do is take the time and figure out who it is. Draw them out, andcorrectthe situation. There are options. Plenty of them. I just have to find the right one.