Page 6 of Bewitched By Her

“I’m Jessica,” she says. She doesn’t let go of my hand and steps closer to me. When she rises onto her toes, I lean down. “As in ‘Rabbit,’” she whispers in my ear.

Fuck me.

With her hand still in mine, I move us toward the bar. I order first, and then Jessica places her order, asking for a rum and coke. I ask the bartender to double it up because the drinks are small, and I don’t want to come back in a few minutes for more. Once we have our drinks, I motion toward the door. Jessica leads the way and finds us a spot against the wall, where we can talk without having to yell.

We set our drinks down and face each other. I take my jacket off and drape it around her shoulder to ward off the chill in the air.

“Thank you,” she says. I swear she pulled the lapel closer and dipped her head to inhale my cologne. I’m going to tell myself this is exactly what she did because it’s hot as fuck and a massive turn on.

“You’re welcome. So, I’m going to be completely honest with you, I’m fascinated by your accent. It’s by far the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard and would happily listen to you until the sun comes up.”

“Why, thank you. I’m flattered. I really like your accent as well.”

“Funny thing, isn’t it?”

“What is?”

“How we like the way each of us sound. I’ve never paid attention until now.”

Jessica smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

“What do you do for work?” I ask.

Her lips purse and she stares off into the distance before meeting my gaze. I don’t know about her but taking my eyes off her is the last thing I want to do right now. “Don’t tell anyone, but I work for the King.”

“The King?”

“Of England?”

“England has a King?”

“You did not seriously just ask that!” she says, and I nod. Her eyes widen. “Don’t they teach you anything about England at school? You know, our monarchy, the commonwealth, even the history of the United States?

I pretend to think, and then smile like a Cheshire cat. “I’m just kidding. I know who the King is, and the Royal family. My roommate and her best friend gab about them all the time and how so and so is so dreamy.”

“So, what you’re really telling me is you basically learn your England knowledge from your roommate?” Jessica gives me a playful smile as she takes a sip from her drink. I shrug as I mirror her smile with my own.

“Yes, it sure beats reading Wikipedia.” This time I get an eye roll in response coupled with a laugh which indicates she knows I’m teasing her a bit.

“So, what do you do for work?”

I’m not sure how many minutes I have to come up with something, but I’m drawing a blank. I run through my major quickly, thinking of what jobs could come from it. All that pops into my mind is hockey. It’s my damn life.

“I’m a sportscaster for the local news.” I have no idea why I say this. If she’s trying to keep things anonymous, this is not something I should say. She could easily look me up. It’s not like I can go to the King’s website and see who her personal chef is. Clearly, I suck at this game. “Are you with someone? In England?”

“Nope, I’m not,” she says, and I step a little closer. I tell myself it’s for body heat, but the truth of the matter is it’s because I want to feel her body pressed into mine. Each step I take will get me a little bit closer.

“What about here?”

She takes another drink, something I haven’t done since we came outside. I don’t need the liquid courage with her, like I do with others. It must be the accent. No, I take that back. It has to be the accent. Each time she says something, my cock jumps to attention. I feel like I have a perpetual hard-on and there isn’t anything I can do about it unless I go rub one out in the bathroom. Which defeats the purpose unless Little Miss Jessica Rabbit comes with me.

“I’m very much single in every way that matters.”

Ominous, but I’ll take it. I down my drink, pick up my second, and take a drink. It’s a bit watered down but serves the purpose.

“So, what do you like doing for fun?” she asks.

You. There I go again.