Page 5 of Bewitched By Her

I gesture the length of his body. “Bruce Wayne by day, Batman by night.”

He laughs, and good grief, the sound of it hits my core. I instinctively clench my thighs together. Dark, grizzly, throaty, playful. Can a laugh be all four things all at once? “I prefer to call it my ‘had very little notice, what’s the least ridiculous costume I can find’ look. I think it works.” He shrugs before offering me a smirk.

“Oh, it definitely works, believe me.” I assure him.

“Is that so?”

“For sure. I mean, I don’t know why Bruce Wayne doesn’t just do this. It’d save him a lot of time not having to change into his bat suit every time he needs to fight crime. ‘Oh look,’” I say, in what can only be described as a rubbish imitation of Christian Bale’s voice. “‘There’s the bat signal. I really can’t be arsed to go and get changed. I’ll just stick on my mask and off we go.’ Time saverandgame changer. I swear, I should just email the studio and tell them my idea. It’s genius.”

This time, I get a full-on belly laugh and fuck me sideways, his smile is something else. Straight, diamond-white, perfectly formed teeth that are a walking advert for dentistry. Batman indicates to my empty hands with his cup. “So, wanna get a drink?”

I look down at my hands, and then over to the dance floor, where my roommates are still dancing up a storm and think back to earlier in the evening when we were getting ready. Jamie’s and Allie’s words spring to mind: Dutch courage and Jessica Rabbit. Maybe they’re on to something. I mean, when in Rome, right? With a deep breath, I look up at Bruce and give him my widest, and hopefully, flirtiest smile.

“I’d love to.”



The first thing I think when Hogan follows Steph to the dancefloor is that I’m going to tape him to my old goalie net and pelt him with pucks at close range. But then, the Bunny saunters toward me and my eyes take in every single inch of her from her fuck me shoes, to her fishnet stockings, to the ridiculous short outfit she’s wearing. If she were back on campus, I’d have her in my room and bent over so I could fluff that tail of hers.

As if my growing erection couldn’t get any worse, she opens her mouth and starts speaking in a British accent or maybe it’s Australian. The fuck if I know because I’ve only been to Canada. And of course, when she asks about my split personality, I don’t have a fucking clue what she’s talking about because I’m so mesmerized by her voice and all I can think about is hearing her say my name over and over again. And then my mind focuses on her eyes and how they look like they’re full of lust for me. Let’s not talk about the image I have in my mind of her on her knees with her red lips wrapped around my cock. Try as I might to clear my mind, I can’t because her tits are on display and waiting to be motorboated. Odd thing is, I’ve never motorboated a chest before, but there’s a first time for everything. I have to force myself to look away from her because if I keep staring, I can’t be held liable for what I want to do to her.

Bunny checks me out. She’s not shy about it either as her eyes travel up and down my torso. “Bruce Wayne by day, Batman by night.”

I laugh. Not because she’s funny but because Ifinallyrealize she’s talking about my costume. Geez when sex is on my mind, it blocks all logic from getting through. Of course, she’s talking about my alter ego for the night. It’s a fucking masquerade ball. We’re all dressed up, most of us better than others. The other girls Bunny came with can’t even compete with her beauty. She’s, by far, the sexiest woman here.

We make small talk about Bruce Wayne and Batman, who she seems to know a lot about. I can’t tell you the last time I watched a Batman movie or who the lead was. I find it odd they keep changing the star. The entire time, I want to ask her if she’s been to the Playboy Mansion and if not, what made her decide to dress up as a bunny. I also want to know how easy it is to get that corset thing off she’s wearing because I really want to take it off. It’s calling my name, like a Christmas gift waiting to be unwrapped.

I finish my drink and then nod toward her empty cup. “So, wanna get a drink?” I’d offer to go get her something, but we have a rule in our house—women get their own drinks, unless they’re with us the entire time—we never ever want someone to slip something into a cup while they’re partying at our house. There isn’t a doubt in my mind that the four of us would fuck someone up if they tried that shit at our house.

Her eyelashes flutter. It’s hard to tell where her lashes end and her mask starts. I’ve never been one to focus on someone’s eyes, but hers are bewitching. Maybe because they’re really the only thing I can see of her—minus her bright red lips, and her rocking body. If I had to guess, I’d say she’s in the gym a lot, doing Pilates and yoga, and as soon as I think about yoga, I wonder how flexible she is.

She looks from me to the dance floor, and I make up my mind that I’ll ask her to dance. I can totally see myself grinding up on her fluffy tail. Fuck. I need to get my mind out of the gutter. She inhales, her chest rising with her intake of breath, putting her breasts on full display. I don’t think I’m going to make it through the night. I don’t even need booze to make a decision about putting the moves on her. My body is screaming for her to touch mine.

She finally looks at me, licks her luscious red lips, and smiles. “I’d love to.”

“Wait, what’s your name?”

Her eyes meet mine, she smiles again, and all I can picture is those lips wrapped around my cock. I clear my throat and try to think of anything but the sexy bunny in front of me, but nothing works. Not even Nolan running around the house buck ass naked. I am so fucked.

“How do you feel about playing a game?” she asks.

I nod slowly. However, I second guess what I’ve just agreed to. I really don’t like pain, and if she wants to inflict pain, I’m out. I also don’t like embarrassing myself, so I might have to back out of whatever this is.

“Hear me out,” she says. “We’re at this masquerade party, pretending to be somebody we’re not.” She points between us. “What if we use fake names?”

“What, why?”

She shrugs. “Why not?”

“Uh, because I’d like to actually know who you are. Why don’t we go outside, take off our masks and actually meet each other?”

She shakes her head and offers a small smile. “Nope, rules are rules, and they clearly say our masks have to stay on.”

“Have you never broken a rule before?” Her eyes widen and her head moves back and forth slowly.Well fuck. This woman has the most expressive eyes I have ever seen and I can tell when her mind starts to change about hanging out with me. If I don’t fix this, I’ll be alone for the rest of the night.

“All right,” I say. “Fake names and masks stay on.” I reach for her hand and shake it. “I’m Bruce.” It’s the only name that makes sense, plus she’s already referred to me by that name.