“This shit is taking forever.”

“It’s only a few minutes. Just be patient.”

Puck groans, but gives in and turns to me with a wide smile, knowing there’s only one topic that can possibly take his mind off the pregnancy test. “You never answered my question.”

I give him a blank stare, holding back a grin as I tease him. “What question?”

Puck lets out a frustrated huff, clearly letting me know that his emotions are riding high right now. “If you’re going to marry me or not?”

I let the grin break free as I throw my arms around him. “Of course, I’m going to marry you,” I tell him, holding him tight as he hands me the world on a silver platter. “How could I not? You’re everything to me and I’ve been dreaming about calling you my husband for six years now, though, there’s only one question.”

“Oh, yeah,” he says with a smile, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around. “And what’s that?”

“Whether there will be two page boys or one?”

Puck releases me in an instant before grabbing hold of the pregnancy test and bringing it right up to his face in his desperation to see the result. He looks back at me. “Baby, you better be fucking ready for this because there will be two.”

My mouth drops. “Are you serious? We’re having another baby?”

“Fuck, yeah, babe,” he cheers, throwing the test over his shoulder and hoisting me up into his arms once again. “You’re fucking pregnant!”