He’s so damn precious.

He snores lightly and I find myself smiling down at my little guy. He’s so much like his daddy. The hair, the eyes, the mannerisms. No one could ever deny that this was Puck’s baby.

Arms circle my waist and those same butterflies that I would get all the way back in high school start fluttering around as I lean back into Puck’s wide chest. I still can’t believe that we’re here. At the start, of my senior year, I never would have expected that the guy with the sexiest scowl would one day become the father of my baby, but here we are, six years later and stronger than ever.

“How’s my little guy?” Puck murmurs, rubbing his thumb back and forth over my skin as he drops his head and presses a feather-soft kiss to my neck.

“He’s getting there. It’s not as bad as it was last night.”

“I hate seeing him like this.”

“I know,” I agree, silently taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out.

Puck’s arms tighten around my waist, knowing just how much my heart is hurting, having to see my son going through such a tough time. “I love you so much, Courtney. You’re an incredible mother to our son, you know that right?” he murmurs, trying to keep his voice low as to not disturb Decan.

“Thank you,” I smile, absolutely loving the compliment. “I love you too.”

“You know, I’ve been thinking…”

I let out a sigh. It’s never good when he starts a sentence like that. The last time he said that we ended up with a jet ski and then he bought me a pink one just so I wouldn’t feel left out. “Go on…” I grin, slightly curious as to where his mind has been taking him.

“I think we should get married.”

Wait…what? That’s not what I was expecting. Not even slightly.

I turn in his arms and gawk up at him. “What?” I grumble, pulling Decan’s door closed behind me so I don’t wake him. “Are you insane? Where the hell did that come from?”

He just grins.

“Really? You choose now to shut up?” I say with a roll of my eyes. “What ever happened to not needing a piece of paper to prove that you love me?”

“I realized that once again, I was wrong. I want to tie myself to you in every possible way, I want to give you the world, but more importantly, I want to make you my wife and watch as you walk down the aisle in a white gown, knowing that it’s me you’ll be walking to.”

“It’s always you that I’ll be walking to.”

His eyes soften as he leans in and gently brushes his lips over mine. “What do you say, babe? Will you marry me?”

“Are you sure?”

He nods. “Yeah. I am. I want to make you my wife and I want to be an example to our kids that they don’t need to be afraid of commitment because sometimes, it’s the best damn thing that’ll ever happen to you.”

I beam up at the love of my life. “Are you confused? We only have one kid,” I remind him, realizing that I didn’t actually answer his life-changing question.

Puck shakes his head. “I don’t want to be that creepy guy who knows way too many details about his woman, but your period is two weeks late and I’d bet every last cent I have that you’re pregnant again.”

My brows draw down. “Nah,” I tell him, thinking it over. “I’m not pregnant. I’d know if I was.” Though he is right, my period is two weeks late and the only time that’s ever happened was when I fell pregnant with Decan. Usually, it comes like clockwork.

“Why don’t you go and check?” Puck suggests, discreetly pulling me toward the bathroom with excitement in his eyes. He was nervous as shit when Decan first arrived, but he quickly fell in love and proved to the world that he was an incredible father and ever since he’s been hinting at having another. “It wouldn’t hurt to check.”

He has a good point.

I let him pull me along and before I know it, Puck is shoving a pregnancy test into my hands as I struggle to push him out the bathroom door.

How did this become my afternoon? One minute I’m taking care of my sick baby while contemplating doing the dishes and the next, I’m wondering just how much my future is going to change. Will there be a baby number two and a big white wedding? Who the hell knows?

I finish peeing on the stick and place it up on the vanity, getting déjà vu from when I did this with Decan. “Okay, you can come in,” I tell him, knowing he’s waiting right by the door, letting the anticipation eat him up.

Puck comes storming in, looking around like a lost boy until I point him in the direction of the test. He hovers over it, watching the results impatiently. I laugh at his excitement. Having a second baby would be incredible, and if I’m already pregnant, then even better.