Puck pulls me in, right to where I was before Tyson came storming in here, taking all of my worries away. He rolls onto his side so he can hover above me. “Have I told you how fucking beautiful you are?”

I shake my head. “I don’t think so,” I grin, “but feel free to do it again.”

Puck lowers his face to mine. “You’re going to be more trouble than I can possibly handle.”

“And is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

With that, Puck’s lips come down on mine and every piece of my heart falls right into place. This is where I’m meant to be, and all I know is that when Puck and I finally resurface for some air, Tyson is nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 13


Why do I feel so nervous? My fucking hands have been sweating all day.

It’ been two weeks since I was jumped and during those two weeks, Courtney has stayed right by my side and I can’t go on any longer without making this right. She’s my girl, my future, and my whole fucking world and not making this official with her has been driving me insane, but I haven’t wanted to do it until I could stand up and be a man she could be proud of, and lying in bed unable to move doesn’t exactly scream ‘capable.’ She deserves so much more than that.

The past few months with her have been an endless road of ups and downs, but during that time, she has snuck her way into my life and shown me a life filled with possibilities that I was blinded to before. Suddenly I want things for myself that I’ve never dreamed about and it’s all because of this beautiful woman who had the balls to call me out on my bullshit.

Who would have known that I’d find the girl I want to build a life with at eighteen? I know my mom sure as hell didn’t and to say she’s thrilled with this relationship is a major understatement. She absolutely adores Courtney and while that’s incredible news, I kind of hate it as it means every time she comes around, my mother steals her away and Courtney is too nice to say no.

I walk into the cafeteria and my heart instantly stops. There she is. Fuck, she’s beautiful. Over the past few months, I have fallen completely in love with her and today, I’m going to find the balls to actually tell her.

On some level, I think she knows. She has to. It’s as clear as the sky is blue. Courtney is my girl and every fucker around here knows it except for her and it’s about time I take her fears and concerns away. I’m sure she probably thinks I’m standing by my claim of being the non-committal type, but she couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, as usual, I can’t wait to prove her wrong.

I’ve never been in love with someone before and man, I don’t know how to describe this feeling. It’s empowering. It makes me feel alive while at the same time I feel like a complete pussy, but what’s more, I think I like it.

Touching her is like heaven and seeing her smile is like the best kind of drug, but that laugh…fuck. Don’t get me started on her laugh. It’s fucking beautiful.

By nature, I’m not a nervous guy. I’m the ‘roll with the punches’ kind of guy, yet Courtney has me all choked up and for the first time in my life, I don’t have a clue what I’m doing.

My phone chimes in my pocket and I welcome the distraction. Anything to delay what I’ve got planned.

Nate – Done it yet, Romeo?

Puck – Fuck off! I’m waiting for the right time.

Nate – Fucking pussy!

Nate – You’re Puck Fucking Jones. You don’t wait for shit to come to you, you take it. Now, man the fuck up and take what’s yours.

Puck – I fucking hate you!

Nate – You got this!

Fuck me. I’ve never been so happy to have my best friend currently serving a school suspension. If he was here to witness this, I’d never live it down. But one thing is for sure, the bastard knows how to get in my head.

I throw back what’s left in my water bottle as though it can somehow help me find my balls and I let out a shaky breath. Nate is right, I’ve got this.

I push back from my seat while tossing my empty bottle back over my shoulder and listening as it clatters into the trash can behind me. I can’t believe I’m about to do this. There are so many ways I can go about this yet I decided on the worst one. Not to mention, if she says no, it’ll be public record that Puck Jones got shut down.