I don’t know what this is. Perhaps he likes me more than he’s letting on or perhaps he’s just afraid that this is something so much more than what he ever pictured for himself, but whatever it is, it’s making it impossible for me to even attempt to move on. I mean, how could a girl move past the fact that the man who makes her heart race treats her like an angel worth protecting?

Is it possible to fall in love with someone in as little time as only a few weeks? No, that’s insane. I couldn’t have fallen in love with him during that time. At the start I hated him, he was the guy that I couldn’t stand being near and now I’m craving his attention almost as much as I’m craving giving him mine.

I don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt so insanely lost before. Me and Puck…it should be so simple, but he insists on making something beautiful a tragedy.

I grab Brylee from making a big mistake with some random guy and get our asses out of here. The past few hours of watching random girls attempt to drape themselves over Puck is too hard to continue watching. He’s managed to dodge each one with a less than impressed scowl on his handsome face, but eventually one is going to come along who catches his eyes and when she does, I don’t want to bear witness to it.

Brylee groans about not wanting to leave, but the second we step out into the fresh air and she hurls all through the garden bed, she has a change of heart.

I don’t know how I put up with her on the way back to her place, but once she steps out of my car, I speed away as though the sound of her too chirpy voice is going to follow me. Brylee is a chatter no matter what the occasion, but add a little alcohol to the mix and getting her to shut up is an impossible task. Don’t get me wrong, usually, I love her chatter, but it’s been a shit few weeks and all I want to do is get home to bed.

I drive down the road, forcing my eyes to stay open. It’s only a few minutes between here and home so before I know it, I’ll be finished with this day and be free to spend the rest of my weekend mopping around in my room.

The road blurs into an endless line of streetlights with the occasional car zooming past on the other side. I turn up the music and try to get lost in the beat. It works for all of two seconds before a loud ‘POP’ has me swerving off the side of the road and nose-diving my car up onto the curb.

My heart races.

Please don’t tell me I’ve run over something…or someone. I swear, I didn’t see anything. Though, maybe it was something small; a cat or a dog, or…shit. I can’t have just killed some little kid’s pet. What kind of a monster would that make me?

I look up and down the quiet street making sure there’s no one around as this is how all the scary movies start. One second, you think you’ve hit something, the next you’re screaming out, running up the quiet street with an ax-wielding clown chasing behind you. No thanks. That’s definitely not how I’m hoping my night finishes.

Confident that I’m not about to be taken out by some escaped prisoner, I push open my car door and have a good look around. What the hell could it have been? There’s nothing here. This street is as empty as Puck’s soul.

Though, if I hit something, there’s a good chance it could be stuck beneath my car. With a cringe, I lean in through the open car door and fish around for my phone before turning on my flashlight app and getting down on my hands and knees.

I shine the light under the car and have a good look around, but can’t see anything when I hear the faint sound of air escaping. My brows furrow. What could be making that noise?

It hits me. My tires.

My eyes bulge out of my head as I quickly shine the light on all four of my tires. I go from one to the next. Nope. Nope. Nope….fuck. I didn’t hit an animal, I blew a tire.

How the hell am I supposed to get home now?

I look over the tire with a sinking feeling in my gut. There’s no way I’ll be able to change this on my own. This is so out of my comfort zone. Even if I googled it, I doubt I’d be able to work it out. Hell, I’m probably not even strong enough to lift the spare out of the back let alone undo the bolt things that hold the tire to the car. I’m pretty sure they’re called nuts which makes absolutely no sense to me. I mean, why? That’s utterly ridiculous.