I slip my phone out of my pocket and bring up my Instagram, letting myself get carried away with a new video posted by Chris Hemsworth. I hear the sound of the door opening, but keep my eyes down on my phone. After all, Chris is currently in the middle of working out and there’s simply nothing better.

A body crowds me and I gasp out as two perfectly warm hands take my waist. “What are you doing?” I grin as I look up at Puck who steps right into me, keeping me pinned against the wall and making the butterflies go batshit crazy again, just as they always do when he’s around. “You realize this is the girls’ bathroom, right, or was I right in assuming you don’t have a dick?”

Puck watches me in silence, shaking his head at my running commentary, but the amusement shines brightly in his bright blue eyes.

I swallow back as his intense stare has the laughter draining out of me. “What are you doing, Puck?” I whisper again, this time demanding an answer as I raise my chin so I can look more clearly into his eyes.

“I don’t know,” he finally says in that deep rumbly voice that has me wanting to beg him to keep me forever. His hand moves from my waist and slides up my body until it’s curled around the back of my neck. He leans in and I suck in a breath as my heart races. “I shouldn’t be doing this. I keep telling myself to stay away, but all I can think about is the taste of your lips. It’s fucking driving me insane, babe.”

Is this really happening?

His eyes focus heavily on mine as I remind myself to breathe. It’s as though he’s going in slow motion. Inching toward me bit by bit, slowly torturing me with the promise of what’s to come.

Please don’t stop.

Maybe he’s trying to talk himself out of it, thinking of all the reasons why he shouldn’t be doing this, but the second his lips find mine; I know this is right.

My hands slide up his chest and around the back of his neck, holding him close to me as his lips move softly against mine. It’s almost as though he thinks I’m fragile, that I’m precious and he’s afraid of breaking me, but he should know by now that I can handle just about anything he throws my way.

I melt into him and pull him in tighter as a moan travels up my throat, giving me away. Puck’s knee slips between my legs as his hand slides right around my waist, holding me just as I’ve been dreaming about.

I open up for him, letting him know that I’m ready for more and he doesn’t disappoint. Puck’s fingers tighten on my skin and I pull him in impossibly closer, slipping my hands right around his neck until the inside of my elbows are hooked against his warm skin.

Puck’s tongue slips inside my mouth and I do everything in my power not to become a puddle of mush at his feet, but it’s hard. This is the best damn kiss I’ve ever had. Soft yet intense in all the right ways.

His knee raises and presses against me and a gasp slips from between my lips. As he lets me find my bearings, he drops his lips to my neck and devours the sensitive skin as though it’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted.

Electricity pulses through me and has me grinding down on his knee, desperate for more. I can only imagine how incredible ‘more’ would be with him. I was only teasing when I accused him of being a dud in bed, and this right here is all the proof I’ll need. Puck is a man who knows exactly what he’s doing. I don’t doubt that he could even make me come right now.

I sure hope that’s where this thing between us is going. If just his kiss is this good, then maybe I should just give in and let him have me any way he wants. Brylee’s right. Who cares if I get hurt in the process? I’ll come out of this knowing I had some of the best sex of my life and have someone to compare every other guy to.

I run my fingernails up through his dark hair and he pulls back, sending a wave of devastation through me. Puck leans his forehead against mine. “Fuck, babe. You taste better than I thought you would.”

My chest rises and falls, desperate to catch my breath as I welcome my brain to snap back into reality. “I don’t understand you,” I murmur. “What was that?”

Puck gives me the goofiest, lopsided grin that has warmth spreading all through me. “I think it was a kiss.”

A soft laugh bubbles up my throat. “I’ve been kissed before and that was no kiss, but that’s not what I meant and you know it.”