The boys swim to the side as Nate and I watch them with impatience. Surely, they’re going to grow out of this stupid bullshit one day, but then, it’s more than likely they won’t.

As the guys get out of the pool and have their flock of groupies hurry around them to remind them how fucking awesome they were and fawn over how incredibly hot they looked doing it, I can’t help but notice someone stepping into view behind them.

“Hey, did you see that?” I murmur to Nate, indicating with a nod behind Jesse’s right shoulder.

Nate follows my gaze and his expression hardens as he takes in Jackson Millington, the biggest dickhead in Haven Falls. “What the fuck does he want?” Nate mutters, watching him carefully, only to realize that he’s brought half of the Haven Falls’ losers along.

Noah Cage, his twin sister Tully, and their friend Rivers are here, and I have to give it to them, they’re not so bad, not like the rest of the guys they go to school with, but it’s not like they were invited. None of them were. “Do you want me to get rid of them?”

Nate watches Jackson through narrowed eyes as Jesse and Tyson make their way over. “What’s going on?” Jesse laughs. “Did you see that? It was fucking awesome. I have to try that shit again.”

“Fucking stupid is what it was,” I tell him, making him scoff at my remarks. “Did you notice we had a few party crashers?”

Jesse nods, naturally already in line with what’s going on while Tyson raises a brow and turns to figure out who the fuck we’re talking about. “This dick just won’t give up,” Tyson murmurs. “Just let me at him. I’ll teach him what he gets for crossing into our territory.”

“No,” Nate says. “No one is doing anything. I don’t want a war tonight. Just keep an eye on him.”

“The fuck?” Jesse looks closer at his brother. “You sure, man?”

Nate nods. “Yeah, if we’re going to start a fight then it’s not going to be in our home where our things will get trashed and mom will be left to clean up after us. Besides, if the cops get called, we’re all going down. When a war does go down, it’s going to happen on their turf where the cops are most likely to turn a blind eye.”

“Good point,” Jesse says, turning so he can watch Jackson. “What happened to Max? Is he still fucking around with Brooke?”

“Mmhmm,” Nate grumbles. “I don’t know what he thinks he’s doing with that one. They’re not a good match.”

“Good match?” Tyson laughs. “Maxen doesn’t do ‘match.’ If anything, he’ll just fuck her for the night and never call her again.”

Nate presses his lips into a tight line and nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

“Damnnnn,” Jesse grins, drawing out the sound and cutting off his brother. “Jackson brought a few midnight snacks with him.” He looks over at the rest of us. “Bet I could take them both off him.”

Nate shakes his head as I look back at Jackson and realize that Jesse is right, the two chicks with him are hot as fuck, but they’re not my type. My type is currently shaking her ass with a drink in her hand and looking like every man’s wet dream. “Leave the girls alone,” Nate says. “Besides, I’m pretty sure the blonde chick is his sister, and I told you, we’re not starting a war tonight, and fucking the dude’s sister is definitely starting a war.”

Jesse rolls his eyes before slinking away to grab himself another drink as me, Nate, and Ty drop back down into our seats.

As usual, Courtney catches my eye and I watch her move her body as she watches me right back. We must stay locked in this moment for ages before I notice Nate getting up beside me. I follow his gaze to see Jackson currently hitting on Tora and don’t doubt that Nate is well on his way to putting him in his place. Though he should be careful because he claims he doesn’t want to start a war, but making some sort of claim on Tora to get rid of Jackson very well could be starting a war, only that war would be with Tora.

As if knowing that shit is about to go down, Courtney and Brylee step away from Jackson and Tora and start swaying with the other dancers. I find it impossible to tear my eyes away from her ass, that is until she turns to face me, biting down on her lip and giving me the sexiest little smirk, knowing that my eyes were already on her.

How am I supposed to resist her? I need to taste her lips on mine. I don’t think I can wait any longer. If only she were ready. Every damn time I look at her, I see it in her eyes that she wants to play. She wants to dig her claws in and never let me go, but that’s not me. She might think she’s okay with a one-time thing, but she’s not. She’s a relationship girl and until she’s ready to put her emotions aside, I won’t be touching her. Though, that doesn’t mean I can’t let her rub that perfect body of hers all over me and show her the best damn night of her life.