Maybe I even want more…

Nate grumbles something about dickhead jocks and I realize that Josh has joined the girls. I hold back a laugh at how Nate goes from relaxed to tense in the space of two seconds. Josh has been sniffing around Tora for weeks now and Nate can’t fucking handle it.

We watch as Josh tries to go in for a kiss and Nate’s hands ball into tight fists, he goes to stand but not a second later, Tora pushes Josh away and tells him to fuck off. Hmm, maybe the girl has a backbone after all.

Nate instantly relaxes and before I know it, the three girls are up off the sunbeds and dancing around the pool with the rest of the drunk chicks, flaunting their bodies in string bikinis.

“What’s going on with you, man?” I ask Nate as I grab my beer and bring it to my lips before thinking better of it after drinking a little too much last night. Besides, if I’m going to go talk to Courtney at any point tonight, I want to have a clear head. Her quick wit and snappy comebacks are not something to be frowned upon. She’s handed me my ass too many times over the past two weeks and when she attempts to do it again, I’m going to be ready for it.

Nate shakes his head, leaning back in his chair. “Nothing. I’m fine.”

“Right, so you’re just going to act as though watching Tora fend off dickheads doesn’t make you want to fuck someone up?”

“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he grumbles, tearing his eyes off Tora to make his blatant obsession seem a little less obvious.

“You’re into her,” I state as though it’s a hard, well-known fact.

Nate scrunches up his face and shakes his head. “Nah, man. It’s not like that. We’re just…”

He lets the words trail off, probably having no clue what they are to each other. “Right, so the reason you’ve tormented her for the past five years is because the very sight of her makes your skin crawl, because you loathe the fact that she breathes, that you-”

“Alright, fuck. I don’t hate her, it’s not that. She’s…I don’t know, she’s Tora,” he hangs his head and lets out a breath as though the next words out of his mouth are the hardest words he’s ever spoken. “She’s fucking gorgeous.”

“Yeah, man. She is. So why the hell do you treat her like shit?”

Nate brings his beer to his lips and takes a long drink, watching her off in the distance. “It’s complicated. Don’t worry, you wouldn’t understand.”

I shake my head. He knows perfectly well that if he tried to explain it to me, that I’d have no issue understanding it. He’s just too pussy to admit to himself what’s really going on as it would mean that he’s already fucked up the one thing that he wants most in this world.

I go to call him out on it when Jesse’s voice rings out over the party. I search around for him but after a quick glance, it’s clear his voice isn’t coming from anywhere on my level.

Nate and I look up and both instantly start shaking our heads in exasperation. Jesse and Tyson stand on the roof of the second story level, right above the pool, soaking up the attention of their adoring fans below who begin chanting, ‘jump, jump, jump, jump.’

On and on it goes. There’s no doubt that the boys have every intention of jumping otherwise they wouldn’t have gone up there in the first place, but they’re both moronic showmen. They love the attention and the crowd loves them just as much.

Jesse grabs his shirt in each hand before simply tearing it from his body and every chick in the place goes apeshit. A grin splits across my face knowing that everyone is going to be talking about this stunt for weeks to come or until he gives them something else to talk about.

Nate gets to his feet as he pulls his phone from his pocket, already preparing to call emergency services. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had to call and it’s certainly not going to be the last. “If I have to call an ambulance again, I’m going to fucking kill him myself.”

“Chill out,” I tell him. “Jesse’s made that jump a million times. He’ll be fine.”

“He fucking better be because I don’t want to be the one to have to explain this to my mother. She’ll have my fucking balls for this.”

Before Nate has the chance to put a stop to Jesse’s recklessness, he turns around launches himself right off the roof in a perfect, showstopping backflip. He crashes down into the water and has only a second to move his dumbass before Tyson is crashing down beside him.