“So, you won’t fault me if I get into bed with him?”

“Nope. I’ll throw your pussy a little ‘congratulations on the pounding of your life’ party. Look at it this way. There are three different outcomes. One, he breaks your heart and you learn a lesson which will make you stronger. Two, you get really great sex, if only just once and you leave with a story to tell the grandkid. Or three, you find your forever and you’re the happiest and luckiest woman in the world.”

I look down at the bedspread. She has a point, but the idea of getting my heart crushed by a guy like Puck is terrifying. “Option number one is kind of freaking me out.”

“If it comes down to option number one then we eat cartons upon cartons of ice cream, cry it out, and plot the best revenge this school has ever seen. Then you move on. It’s that simple. You can’t be afraid to put yourself out there with the fear of being hurt. That’s no way to live your life. Think of all the incredible things you could be missing out on.”

I nod my head. “Fine,” I say with a sigh, “but when it turns out that he was only in it for sex, I’ll be saying ‘I told you so.’”

“That’s fine, but when you’re finished telling me that, could you also give me all the dirty details because one thing’s for sure, Puck would be all sorts of creative in bed.”

“You know what?” I tell her. “You’re on.”

With that resolved, my head falls back down to my homework and for the first time since stepping into my homeroom class this morning, I’m finally able to concentrate.

If Puck Jones wants to spend his mornings flirting and trying to get into my pants, then I’ll be ready for him. But one thing is for sure, no man is getting into my pants without working for it first.

Chapter 6


Alright. I need to pull on my big girl panties.

Shit, I’m not sure I own any of them.

Why is the idea of intentionally flirting with Puck Jones so freaking daunting? He’s just a boy. A very tall, wickedly charming boy who could tear me to shreds. See, no big deal, right?

Crap. I’m going to be sick.

Breathe, Courtney. You can do this.

Bry is right. This isn’t going to go anywhere and I should enjoy it while I can. It’s just sex and it’s not like I haven’t done it before. I mean, I’ve done it plenty of times with all sorts of questionable guys, though it’s not like I’m a whore or anything, I’m just not a prude. But Puck Jones. Fuck me, maybe I am a whore to have a guy like him in sight. I guess I really am if I plan on using him for sex.

Oh well, I guess whore status means I’ll fit in with the girls around here a little more. That’s a win/win in my book.

I take a deep breath as I ditch Brylee at her homeroom and continue down the corridor. What was I thinking? I can’t do this. I’m not the girl who intentionally flirts with hot guys, I’m way too shy to do that. I’m bound to embarrass myself. I’m not a stranger to flirting, in fact, I do it more than I know, the only issue is when I’m doing it, I’m usually not aware, but to intentionally go in there hoping to win the guy over; now that’s just insane.

Brylee makes sure to spank my ass as I walk away and I cringe when her voice rings loudly over the corridor so every student in the school can hear. “Go get him, tiger!”

Fuck, I could kill that girl, but the sound of her chuckles has my head shaking and a grin ripping across my face.

I don’t dare turn back in fears of someone realizing Brylee is talking to me and I get my ass down the hallway. I’ve been walking at a snail’s pace trying to prolong speaking with him, but if I take any longer, I’m going to miss the second warning bell and I’ll end up with a detention. Though Puck generally spends quite a lot of his time in detention so maybe hanging out there wouldn’t be too bad.

I look up ahead and watch as Puck makes his way from the other end of the hallway and swings himself into our homeroom. My heart races. Why does this seem so hard?

I can do this. I can do this.

It’s just one step after another, then it’s showtime. I can be charming. Sure, I can flirt the pants off of a guy, especially a guy like Puck. This should be a breeze.

After what feels like forever, I finally make it to the door of Miss Blakeley’s classroom. I can hear the soft chatter of the students inside as the hallway empties around me. I’m cutting it way too close to the second warning bell, and let’s face it, I’m not the type to purposefully get myself detention. I’m a good girl and I’m proud of the fact that I’ve managed to get through high school without getting myself in trouble like that.