Page 14 of Ecstasy Captured

“What the hell happened?”

“He got himself loose and busted me in the face, so I shot him. I’m sorry, Sebastian.” I look over at Ricardo and notice that my brother must have shot him while falling down because it’s an awkward upward angled hole in Ricardo’s head.

“It’s okay. I need to get you seen by the doctor.” Fuck. I have a sinking feeling that things aren’t what they seem. I have to get answers before I end up six feet under, and I need to do it before I find my queen and bring her home. How did Ricardo get out of his ties and who the fuck intentionally set off that alarm?

Chapter Seven


“Thank you, Maria,” I say, giving her a squeeze. We met when she and her husband, Maxim were on a trip to Vegas celebrating their first two months of marriage. They were nice to me at the diner my mother always hated. Maria told me that I could call on her if I ever needed any help, so when I did, she easily welcomed my visit.

“You’re welcome, Candy. You know all you have to do is ask, and we can set you up somewhere better than this place.” She pulls back and looks around the apartment. It’s mediocre at best, but I don’t want to spend all the money I have at once.

“No. It’s okay. I’m just trying to start over without any major debts. This job is perfect for me, and you and Maxim have been way too good to me.” She got me a waitress gig at one of her favorite spots on the North Side of the city where they tip extremely well. I had my first day yesterday and made a decent amount of cash, but today she’s helping me move into my new place. Well, helping isn’t really the case. It’s not like I had anything to bring.

She and Maxim drove me here while his people brought in some furniture. It’s a small one-bedroom apartment that costs more than I care for, especially since her husband Maxim decided to foot the bill, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer because it would please Maria. So also get to save the money I had planned on using to pay for this place.

“You deserve better. You should tell us who you are running from, and maybe we can assist you,” Maria says. Thinking about Sebastian has been a rollercoaster of emotions. My body and heart beg for him to find me while my brain is telling me that’s the dumbest thing in the world. Whoever he is, I’d been nothing more than a paid service for the night.

“I doubt it. It’s not like I know his name or anything.” I close my eyes, feeling like an idiot for letting that slip.

“You don’t know who you’re running from?” Maxim says, not believing me in the least. I have been staying with Maxim and Maria for the past three weeks, but I refused to continue invading their palatial home, especially when they’re about to have their first baby.

“Honestly, all I know is his name is Sebastian and he has a brother named David. I ran into them in Vegas with my mother, and she was killed right after I ran away.”

“I’ll look into the matter.” I don’t like the seriousness of his tone because I understand that he will which means he will locate Sebastian and then I’ll be in trouble.

“Please don’t. I don’t want him to find me. My mother drugged him, and he’s probably out for revenge.”

“Don’t worry. I won’t let any harm come to you.” He’s a very gentle giant who is madly in love with Maria. I want that type of happiness. It makes me sad because the only man I’ve ever wanted to worship me like Maxim does Maria happens to want my head on a platter.

Maria pulls me in for a hug and tells me that Maxim will take care of it all.

I look over to Maria’s shoulder and say, “Maxim, thank you.” He nods because that’s his usual response. He’s a man of few words, but his love for his wife is always ever present.

They leave and I’m left to relax on my sofa, although relaxing is the opposite of what I’m truly doing. All my thoughts go to Sebastian and how he hates me so much. God, I wish he didn’t because I miss his touch, taste, and the way his deep voice whispered in my ear.

I fall asleep and dream of a life where things between us are good, but I know that’s not reality and it startles me awake with my heart racing, body trembling with desire.


It’s been two months since my life changed, and I’m down at the diner serving coffee and waiting tables, which I don’t mind doing for legitimate, hard-earned money. So far, everything is good at my job except for my sleezy manager. He’s got to be ten years older than me and eyes me like a piece of meat. I should do something or say something to someone, but I need this job and can’t go running to Maxim and Maria for every little thing.

“Girl, you’re making it look easy out here. Can you handle another shift tomorrow?” Allie asks me.

“Sure. I don’t mind.” I could use the extra money.

“I should tell you that he’ll be off tomorrow, so you should be away from his predatory eyes. If you want, I can call my brother to deal with him if you’d like. He’s kind of a tough guy, if you know what I mean.” I wonder if he works for Maxim and that’s how I really got the job here. A friend of a friend, kind of thing. Either way, I can’t just ask for favors, so I pass on the offer.

“Thanks, but I’m sure he’ll get the hint that I’m not interested and move along.”

“Sure, girl. Just let me know if you change your mind. Speaking of brothers, mine has just arrived for some food.”

“Excuse me, miss. I’d like to pay my bill,” a handsome man in a suit says.

“I’ll take care of him. You go say hi to him.”

“Did everything meet your expectations?” I ask him, smiling like a good waitress because tips matter here.