Page 6 of Chasing Simone

For once, I’m glad to be wearing a fancy, tailored suit. I gave Atlas shit when he announced the wedding party was dressing up all GQ for the occasion. Most MCs would still wear their cuts for club celebrations. But dancing with this queen in my arms makes me feel like we finally match, like my sorry ass is good enough for this high-maintenance beauty. As good as she looks wearing pricey name brand merchandise, I know she’d look fucking stunning dressed down in leather with my property patch on her back.

She turns in my arms to face me but doesn’t back away. Her fingers lace behind my neck, pulling my head down toward hers in an act so intimate, it sets fire to my insides.

“Chase, I’m not looking for a relationship.”


Her words sting. How many times have I used her exact words on the countless women before her? And now she’s using it on me?

Karma can be a bitch, but I’m good at taming hurt hearts.

“I get you need time to get over the twat who did you dirty,” I murmur quietly to her as we dance. “But let me be perfectly clear. I’m the guy you want to have a relationship with when you’re ready for a real man to worship you.”

Her gray eyes dilate to black pupils. My words are affecting her. She leans her body into mine, but I doubt she realizes it. It’s like her body is doing what it wants and her head hasn’t caught up to its actions.

“Chase,” Simone rasps in a breathy whisper, “you can’t say things like that. We hardly know each other. We don’t know if we’re compatible. In fact, I’d say we’re opposites.”

She has a point. Simone is Miss High Class and white-collar. I’m a hipster-biker covered in piercings, lurking in the corners of the dark web for a living.

On paper, we don’t add up. But when you put us together, the numbers don’t matter. Only the chemistry matters, and the chemistry is reactive. Positive and negative charges can’t resist attraction. Eventually, they collide, connecting in one powerful bond.

Why can’t she see we’d be ideal together? We’d balance each other perfectly. She sees us as separate ends of a spectrum, clashing. But under all her expensive business clothes and perfectly applied makeup, I see the wild woman she’s got shelved away. I’ve seen hints of her breaking through, like when she and her sister had a wrestling match the day she moved in. But she quickly conceals her brat nature before it can shine.

I want that wild woman she has hidden away to come out and play with me in all the wickedest ways imaginable.

“We go together like smooth bourbon and fresh ice,” I whisper, grazing my lips feather-light against her temple. “We soothe while we burn in the best way. There’s no better combination.”

Simone gnaws her bottom lip, like she’s mulling my words.

I got her on the line, slowly reeling her in.

“Let me show you what it’s like with me. Give you a taste of the heaven we can have every night,” I suggest, trying hard to keep my desperation from leaking into my voice. “You deserve to be cherished, and I’m offering it to you.”

Simone scoffs. “Chase, I will not use you for sex.”

Please do. Use me till you can barely walk. You’d see I’m the man you’ve been searching for.

“Pity,” I say on a sigh. “I’m more than willing to let you use me as you want. Soft the way you deserve. Rough the way I like. And all the ways in-between.”

Another shudder rolls through her body, vibrating against my chest. She grips the lapels of my suit, pulling me closer as she wars with her good girl persona.

I’m not going to give her the opportunity to overthink what I’m offering. She’s close to giving in to me. I can taste her desire in the shared air between us—it’s heady, thick with want.

Leaning in, I whisper against her ear, “I would kneel at your feet to worship the pretty pink lips you have between your legs.”

Simone gives a little squeak, jumping back. I close the distance between us, not letting her escape, and press on. She needs to know exactly what I’ll give her before deciding to turn me down again.

“I wouldn’t stop till I had you coming around my greedy tongue fucking your swollen pussy. When I’ve licked you clean, I’d climb over your body, worshiping each of your breasts as I sink my fat cock into the tight, dripping slit between your thighs. I’d fuck you slow, hitting all the right spots.”

“Oh, my God,” Simone murmurs, blushing all the way to the roots of her hair.

“Not God. You call me ‘Chase,’ and you scream my name when you’re coming on my cock. Only then will I allow myself to get lost in you. When the rush is over, I’ll hold you, whispering sweet nothings till you fall asleep in my arms. I’ll watch over you till the morning light comes up. And then we’ll do it all again.”

Simone peeks at me through long lashes. “Chase…”

No more needs to be said—actions speak louder than words.

I take her by the hand as the fireworks go off around us. Atlas likes to put on one hell of a show when impressing Jo. Everyone is too busy admiring the view to see us sneaking off to my suite. I don’t dare look over my shoulder as I guide her up the steps of headquarters. I’d like to say I’m being mysterious or some shit, but the truth is, I fear opening my mouth, saying something stupid that would spook her.