Page 68 of Chasing Simone

Maybe mentioning Simone was the wrong thing to do as I pull my head back to look at Trent’s expression. His jaw tics, and his brows pull together, something he does when he’s annoyed. Trent takes my arms, extracting them from around his neck, and places them at my sides.

“I’m liaison for the firm, Cynthia. You can’t expect me to drop everything and run to you whenever you want.”

I frown. He’s never not come running before.

“They’ve been here a couple of hours. I doubt much has happened beyond formalities.”

He must sense I’m not going to let him weasel his way out of my questioning. Sighing, he steps around me, taking a seat in one of two chairs across from my desk.

“It’s not like I could leave right in the middle of going over procedure and regulations with the security and auditing team.” He rubs his chin, deep in thought and not focused on me.

I don’t want to contemplate where his thoughts are, but I have a guess. Folding my arms, I walk around my desk, taking a seat.

With Trent’s earlier slighting still fresh in my mind, I bitterly ask, “Did you have to dismiss me from the preliminary auditing meeting? You made me look like a fool in front of them, especially Simone.”

Trent glowers. “Did you honestly expect me to let you stay? Come on, Cynthia. You’re not on the team, nor were you assigned by the firm to assist the investigation outside of what I may assign you. Your presence in that meeting would have drawn the attention of other employees. Simone knows I’d be going against the firm’s protocol. The investment banking department—your department—you can’t be directly involved with the investigation.”

Trent closes his eyes, pinching his nose with a low groan. He’s annoyed, but I’m too heated to let the issue slide. As liaison, Trent has pull. He can do whatever’s needed to assist the investigation, including having me sit in on the meeting. He excluded me, and I have a fair idea why.

“You couldn’t have announced I was assisting you outside of being Simone’s file bitch?”

“Jesus Christ, Cynthia. Use your pretty little head. It’s a conflict of interest to have employees of the department being investigated included in the audit team.”

“Isn’t it a conflict of interest having a former employee audit the firm?”

“You would need to prove there’s a conflict of interest, and the firm would need to contest the auditor assigned to the case. But I’m telling you, the firm isn’t going to challenge it. Simone left the company under good circumstances. The board was pleased with her performance when she was an employee, and they’re pleased she’s on the team auditing us now. She knows the investment banking division, has insider knowledge of how the firm works. Considering upper management wants to uncover why their clients’ money is disappearing, and quickly, Simone is the ideal candidate to audit. She’s here to stay.”

The last sentence of Trent’s explanation has me biting my tongue. The wordstayseems disparaging, at least for me. I cannot afford to have Simone audit us, for more reasons than one.

We’re silent for a long pause, Trent daydreaming and me subconsciously trying to bring him back to me.

“Is her presence going to be a problem, Trent?”

The question has Trent hesitantly meeting my gaze, his eyes slightly widened. I’m surprised I asked it aloud, too. Normally, I keep my insecurities regarding our relationship locked away. Simone’s presence is triggering all kinds of reactions in both of us.

As always, Trent collects himself quickly. “Don’t be ridiculous. This is business. Stop reading into it.”

“Am I?” I challenge him, scrutinizing his reaction.

Trent raises an eyebrow, saying nothing. From experience, I know challenging his silence will be brushed off. He’ll claim I worry for nothing. The same as it always has been when I’d question his love for me. And I foolishly accept it each time.

But I know better. His silence says more than his words ever could, and I fear losing him is one step closer to becoming a reality.



The first day on a new cyber security assignment involves getting acquainted with the equipment we’ll be dealing with. Butch and I go through each system meticulously, learning the ins and outs of each program. The process is tedious without having your woman’s ex-fuckwad glaring daggers at the side of your head.

If Trent thinks he can intimidate me with a scowling orange face, he’s sorely mistaken. His mug is so scrunched up, he looks like a puckered bunghole. It takes plenty of effort to keep the smile off my face.

Trent’s been in a foul mood since he returned from dropping off Simone and Punk on the top floor. No idea what crawled up his ass, though I’m willing to bet my woman either gave him an earful or Punk was screwing with him—I’m cool with either option.

At least Trent’s ego isn’t so bruised, he can’t assist with things as we need. I’ll give the idiot some credit—he’s good at his job, knowing the company as if he memorized the handbook. The firm’s decision to assign him as liaison to our case makes perfect sense.

Ten hours later, Butch and I complete our rundown of the company’s IT systems. It’s the longest I’ve gone in months without having eyes on Simone. Her being near two people who emotionally hurt her has been eating away at me all day. Although Punk gave me text updates often, seeing Simone with my own eyes will help settle my nerves. I need to hold her in my arms and breathe in her natural floral musk to calm me.

With a heavy chunk of our work completed, there’s no reason to push harder today. The work will be here in the morning. Besides, my mind isn’t going to focus until I see my feisty accountant.