Page 64 of Chasing Simone

“No one is immune to verbal abuse forever.”

“You let me handle that. Okay? My job is to watch over her, and I will, Chase. You’re my brother, and by default, Priss is my sister. I won’t let Cynthia get to her.”

Attempting to calm down, I heave a sigh. I wish we didn’t have to deal with Trent and Cynthia at all. This is where I have to trust my brother has my back. I grip his shoulder firmly before releasing him to walk back into the conference room.

What I see once I enter the space has me coming to a screeching halt.

Simone and Trent are still talking. What was once a calm discussion has turned into a whispered altercation. Trent is leaning toward Simone, crowding her in-between the conference table and himself.

The fuck?I’m away for a minute, and this carrot-colored yuppie is making a move on her?

My stubborn accountant masks her emotions well. However, after studying her for as long as I have, I’ve learned her tells. Her rigid posture and crossed arms are a clear sign she’s uncomfortable and being defiant. Whatever Trent is saying to her, it’s making her angry.

Nu-uh.He doesn’t get to upset my woman.

Seeing red, I’m about to go yank him away from her, but Butch beats me to the punch. My brother, not so subtly, wedges himself between the two of them with his rolling equipment, forcing Trent to step back against the wall and Simone to move to the side. Butch plants his workstation directly between the ex-lovers, making it impossible for Trent to get closer to her.

Amused, I hide my chuckle behind my hand. Butch glances at me from where he sits, giving me a little smirk.

Clear of the table, Simone promptly moves to the other side of the room. It’s almost like she’s desperate to create distance between herself and Trent.

Good.I want her to be as far as possible from the d-bag while working this case. Seeing she doesn’t want to be near him helps calm down the jealousy building inside of me.

I move toward Simone, shaking off my temper. No reason for her to think I’m enraged by anything she’s done when it’s solely Trent’s doing. When I get close enough to touch her, I run a free hand down her arm. She stiffens at my touch, stepping back.

Clearly, she hasn’t forgiven me for my earlier stunt out front. I knew she’d be hella pissed. Yet I couldn’t stop myself from making our status known to her ex. I’m not sorry I did it, nor will I apologize for publicly stamping my claim on her. She’ll accept it—I hope.

Simone looks at me with those storm clouds brewing in her gray eyes, her face a serene mask covering the uneasiness I know my woman feels. I know all too well, since I feel it myself.

I side-eye Trent across the room before looking at Simon and asking, “Everything okay?”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” she answers coldly.

No doubt she’ll handle it, though she doesn’t need to deal with Trent alone. One look at her stubborn face tells me she won’t be opening up with her ex nearby. We’ll address it later, when we’re alone.

“You good to go?”

She gives me a stiff nod. “I am.”

“I’ll escort you upstairs and show you how we have the files arranged. It’ll help you find things faster,” Trent announces from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder at the douche canoe, unable to stop my molars from grinding together. Trent squirms under my stare—typical of any coward who knows he’s overstepped.

My attention returns to my woman. I hate having her leave with him, but we need to get this show on the road.

Simone gives me a once-over—a warning to behave—before collecting her things. It’s cute how she thinks she can keep me in check with a pointed look. Shit never worked with my caretakers at the orphanage when I was younger, and it’s not about to start now.

I’ll let Simone believe she has some control over me, if only to put her mind at ease. My woman is stressed enough without me adding more fuel to the fire. As long as Trent doesn’t step out of line again, I won’t have to throw down the hammer.

She follows Trent out of the conference room, and out of my eyesight. The first chance I get, I’ll gain access to the building’s internal security feeds. Until then, I have Punk as my eyes and ears.

Punk pats me on the bicep, murmuring, “I got this.” He quickly shovels a bagel in his mouth and grabs two of the coffees we picked up prior. He salutes me with one of the disposable cups in his hand as he follows my woman.

Though I have faith in my brother and Simone, it’s only a matter of time before Trent makes his next move on her. Let’s hope we’re all prepared for when he does.