Page 56 of Chasing Simone

“FUCK! YES! FUCK!” Chase bellows, bucking into me until I feel him coating my insides in sticky warmth.

Exhausted, he collapses on top of me. I welcome his weight like a blanket to shelter me after we exposed ourselves to anyone in earshot.

Chase raises his face to mine. His hair is disheveled and falling loose from his bun, casting his face in shadows in the already dark, intimate space. It makes him look feral, matching the obsessed urgency in his whiskey-colored eyes.

“I’m a possessive asshole, Simone. I will not apologize for it. In my book, you’re mine. All dating bullshit aside, you belong to me now.”

My heart leaps, liking the sound of being Chase’s woman. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from admitting it to Chase.

Tenderly, he cups my cheek, leaning in to brush his lips against mine. “These lips are mine.”

He trails his free hand down my chest, softly molding it around one of my heaving breasts. “These tits are mine.”

My eyelids flutter, enjoying his gentle touch and words of declaration.

His long fingers continue a leisurely path downward until his hand palms my bottom. “This ass is mine.”

He surges forward with his cock still embedded deeply inside of me, not yet soft. I moan, my body responding to his as wet heat pools around the base of his shaft. “This pussy, this fucking perfect pussy, is mine. Nobody will ever take this from me. I will curb stomp anymotherfuckerwho tries.”

Chase moves his hand back up to my chest, splaying it across the left side of my breastbone. His whisper is so soft over my pulse pounding in my ears, I nearly miss him saying, “And soon this heart will be mine, too, like you own mine.”



The alarm on my cell wakes me from a deep sleep. I attempt to roll toward the beeping to turn it off, but Chase’s arms flex around me. He holds me in place, reaching over my body to turn it off himself. He snuggles back into position, with his warm body cocooning mine. Those warm brown eyes I adore of his drift shut, causing his long lashes to dust his cheekbone.

If it weren’t for this assignment we’re working, I’d watch him sleep all day. I brush a lock of his tawny-colored hair off his handsome face. “Chase, we need to get up. We can’t be late.”

Scowling, he doesn’t open his eyes as he answers. “I hit snooze. Give me ten more minutes with you in my arms before we have to face the day.”

If only we could pause time. An extra few minutes of sleep is precious time I lose in my morning routine. Besides, I’m too nervous to relax. Confronting Trent for the first time since I left Sacramento has my insides twisting in an uncomfortable knot. More than anything, I want to get the worst of this first encounter over with and get on with the investigation. The sooner we start, the sooner we can return to our lives in Colorado.

Shaking my head, I unlace Chase’s arms from my torso. After last night’s sexcapade, I’m in desperate need of a shower. Chase grumbles when I climb out of bed, but he lets me go without too much of a fight. He must sense I need this time.

I’m not entirely sure how Chase and I made it back to our room last night. Depleted of energy, I could hardly stand. There was no way I was going to wrangle my body into my wet bathing suit, let alone walk. Hell, I have a hard enough time tugging the thing over my boobs when it’s dry. My mind is fuzzy, but I recall Chase wrapping me in my sarong and lifting me into his arms. The possessive biker must have carried me the entire way—my Thor in biker’s clothing.

I reach in the shower to turn on the water before I relieve my bladder. A quick test of the water temperature, and I step into the hot spray. My fingers are working shampoo into my hair when Chase enters the shower. He gently takes me by the hips, leaning in to kiss the tip of my nose. We shower in silence, his hands occasionally groping my ass or breasts. The man is handsy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy his rough fingers fondling me.

I’m hopping out of the shower a lot sooner than what I’m sure Chase would like, but I’m counting down the minutes until I face my ex. My eyes dart to my cell on the counter, checking the time.

Quickly, I towel off before going through my normal routine. Brushing my teeth, moisturizing from head to toe, and blow drying my hair come first. Styling my hair and applying my makeup before getting dressed in one of my best gray pant suits comes second. Adding my favorite diamond stud earrings and a simple gold necklace are my final touches.

Chase’s routine is shorter than mine, but only by a handful of minutes. The guy takes male grooming seriously, drying his hair straight before putting it in a man bun and oiling his short beard.

Getting ready together feels oddly domestic, considering we’re not official per se as much as Chase claims I’m his. However, I don’t feel self-conscious around him, as one normally would with someone they’re just getting involved with. Being around Chase in my unfiltered state feels natural, something I could become very comfortable with.

Several times, he catches me ogling him. He winks or flashes me a smile, making my heart palpitate happily. He’s a delicious distraction, flexing his muscles in his black tactical pants with a gray T-shirt readingMercy Ravens Security.

The crew rarely wear their leather MC cuts when working security and mercenary assignments, but tactical clothing is interesting attire for a non-mercenary assignment.

“How come you guys don’t wear suits when working IT?”

“Not our style, Numbers,” he drawls as he sits on the end of the bed, putting on his black biker boots. “We may work with computers for most of this case, but in our experience, it’s best to be prepared. You never know when someone at one of these gigs feels the heat and goes postal.”

Alarmed, I ask, “You think the person responsible for the bilking could work for the firm?”

“That’s usually the case. Inside jobs happen more often than you imagine—it’s less work to infiltrate a security system when you’re on the inside. It’s easier to find where things are. You can befriend the right co-workers, getting the information you need from them without difficulty. Once you have all that, breaking into the system is child’s play. Outside jobs are a lot more work, and unless you’re incredibly skilled with computers, the chance of success is far less.”