Page 51 of Chasing Simone

My mind is jittery, thinking about tomorrow’s events. Facing Trent will be challenging. I need something that’ll flex my muscles and calm my nerves.

The answer is simple. I change into my practical, yet classic one-piece bathing suit, ready for my date with a swimming pool.

Chase’s eyes follow me from where he lies on the lavish starch-white bed as I gather my things. His searing gaze is like a flame dancing across my skin—hot and dangerous.

On further inspection of myself, I realize the black suit is high cut, riding past my hips.Meh.Big deal. I’ll be under the water most of the time.

“I won’t be long,” I announce in a shaky voice, self-conscious as I wrap myself in my black sarong. “A quick dip.”

“You don’t think I’m letting you go by yourself, do you? Especially when you’re showing off those sexy thighs of yours?”

His compliment makes me blush. No man has ever complimented my thighs before. They’re thicker, more muscled. Though I’d prefer more trimly legs, I work with what I got and own it. I do my best to tamper my giddiness over Chase’s compliment.

“You can handle me showing off a little leg.”

Chase stands from the bed, his eyes narrowing as he takes me all in. “I’m coming with you.”

“Do you have swim trunks?”

Glaring, he folds his corded arms over his chest. “I’ll make do.”

“Then hurry.”

I don’t give him a backward glance before I’m out the door, marching my butt outside. I’m not wasting precious time waiting around for him to get his crap in order.

The luxury pool is expansive, lit up under the hotel lights. You can hear the city life, but it’s muted by the palm trees and thick tropical gardens surrounding the hotel grounds. With the heat of the day still lingering in the air, I can’t wait to jump into the cool blue oasis. It’s late, and only a few hotel guests are lounging around the pool zone, leaving me free to take advantage of an empty pool.

Twenty lengths sounds like a good way to loosen my muscles while cooling off. After dropping my stuff in a private cabana, I quickly braid my hair—no need to get it tangled. Walking to the water’s edge, I dive in. My legs kick together under the surface, propelling me through the water. When I come up for air, I go right into breaststroke formation.

Back and forth I go, until twenty laps have come and gone. Tired, I lay on my back, free floating. Here in the water, my body finally relaxes.

The moment is short-lived.

Out of the corner of my eye, I catch movement rushing toward me. Chase dives into the pool, spraying me in a tidal wave. I flounder about, choking and spitting as I attempt to get my bearings back.

Before I can wipe the water from my eyes, he’s on me, grabbing me around the waist in those sexy, muscled arms of his.

“Mmm, you’re fine as hell. I swear if I had to watch you frog leap through the water another lap, I was going to lose my mind.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You are whom I’m talking about. Watching your thighs spread out again and again…” He leans in to kiss my forehead, groaning deep in his throat. “You had me stripping in record time.”

Shocked, I glance down, taking stock of him. “Are those your underwear?”

Chase winks, his eyes crinkling at the corners with amusement. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

Concerned, I shake my head. “Oh, my God. You’re going to get us kicked out of the hotel.”

“Look around, beautiful.” Chase waves an arm at the surrounding space. “The place is all ours.”

Sure enough, we’re alone. “Did you chase all the other guests away when you started undressing? Where are your clothes? Your glasses? Can you even see without them?”

He chortles. “If I started stripping around others, they wouldn’t be running away from the show. Babe, relax. My stuff is sitting next to yours. I can see you just fine, and that’s all I care to see. There’s no need to get upset.”

He’s right. We’re alone in this outdoor sanctuary. There’s no need to get agitated over nothing when I have plenty of other things to be concerned with—specifically tomorrow. I inhale and slowly let it out, willing myself to settle down.

“That’s it, Numbers. Unwind and let me do the worrying.”