Page 46 of Chasing Simone

She relents, with a heavy sigh. “Fine.”

“And if possible, I want to be with you when you say it to him.”


“I don’t need to steal your thunder, but I want to be your backup.” My woman never needs to fight alone again.

Simone is quiet for a moment as she absorbs my request. She lifts her chin to me. “Under the unusual circumstance Trent asks about my personal life, I will inform him we’re dating and make sure you’re present.”

Excellent.My lips tug upward into a smirk as I amend her statement. “Blissfully.”

If my words annoy Simone, she’s biting her tongue. “Yes. ‘Blissfully’ dating.”

Now for the grand poobah of requests. “I want to hold you tonight. We don’t need to have sex, but I need to feel you in my arms. It’s been far too long, and I miss you laying next to me.”

Simone’s hard face melts away. In its place is the prettiest lace of a smile. A genuine smile with crinkles in the corners of her stormy eyes. One she only uses when her defenses are down. It’s fucking radiant, and all for me.

“Deal,” she whispers, with her eyes shining like silver coins.

We make quick work of showering, equally eager for this long-awaited reunion. After toweling off, I hang my clothes on the towel rack. Now that I’m dating Simone, I’m not going to risk streaking back to my room in the morning, possibly upsetting her. I sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate it if our situation was reversed and she did it. Jealousy is alive and well.

With nothing dry to wear, I internally sing with joy at having to sleep naked beside Simone. If only Simone didn’t have clothes, too. Unfortunately for me, Simone tugs on a gray camisole pajama set—sexy, but not as hot as naked Simone.

Beggars can’t be choosers.

The bed smells exactly like Simone’s natural musk—floral and feminine. It’s inviting, giving me the overwhelming sense of returning to my rightful place beside the woman I love. It feels like home, like Simone is my safe place. I slip under the covers, patting the bed for her to join me.

She points a finger at me. “Behave.”

Tell that to my dick, beautiful.“I’ll try.”

With that, Simone scoots in beside me, her head on my chest over my heart, where the muscle spasms happily to have her right where she belongs—with me.



It’s Friday morning—day one of the team’s road trip to Sacramento. Chase and Butch plan on riding their hogs, since the weather is decent. Punk will drive the company SUV with all our gear. Unfortunately, that means I’m riding shotgun with the moron.

Jo pulls me in for a sideways hug. I can’t hug her face-on with one of her twins harnessed to her front, while the other’s strapped on her back. The woman is going to be jacked by the time she’s done carrying the twins around.

“Promise not to be too mean to Punk. He’s a real sweetheart, if you give him a chance.”

I roll my eyes. “I’ll behave if he behaves.” I kiss her cheek, then the heads of my adorable nephews.

My parents are next for some love.

“Travel safe, sweetheart,” my dad says, giving me a tight hug.

My mom steals me away from him to give me a hug of her own. She kisses my temple before whispering, “I put some mace in your purse.”


Jo snorts. “That’s nothing. I put a taser in her suitcase.”

“You guys are acting like I’m going to war.”

“Better to be prepared,” my dad counters.