Page 43 of Chasing Simone

With Simone back on two feet, the dogs bound for her, their tongues flapping about, and drool dripping from their jowls.

Simone screeches, climbing back up my body. “Pick me up. Pick me up!”

Amused, I let her scale my tall frame, monkey-wrapping herself around my waist as I stride for headquarters. “So the dogs ran you up a tree because you smell like a feast?”

“Stupid hair scalp mask,” Simone mutters as she clings to me like a life preserver.

Smiling like a fool, I shoo the dogs back home to Jo as we enter headquarters. I don’t set Simone down, only adjust her to have my hands full of her luscious ass as I ascend the stairs.

“Put me down, you brute,” she hisses, not wanting to awaken others in the building.

“No can do. I got you right where I want you.”

When she fights to get free, I swing her body over my shoulder with ease, completing the caveman persona I’ve adapted since meeting Simone. Her rump is right there by my face. There’s no one around to see me getting fresh with her. I take a healthy bite full of her bottom.

Simone gasps, a delicious sound of ecstasy. She gains her wits, slapping my backside. “You animal!”

“And you were afraid of the dogs?” I hum with glee as I open her suite door, walking into her private domain.

Bypassing the bed, where I really want to go with her, I stride for the bathroom. There’s no way she’s going to talk to me before she’s settled. Washing the scent of homemade stuffing from her hair is what’s going to calm down her ornery ass the fastest.

Moving quickly, I set her on the bathroom counter, reaching into the shower stall to blast the water. I toss my glasses on the counter beside her. Simone sasses me up and down with her viper tongue, while I rid myself of my cut and boots.

When I reach behind my neck to grab the collar of my shirt, her eyes go wide, realizing I have every intention of joining her. She leaps from the counter in a poor attempt to escape me. God, I love a good chase. I snag her around her waist before she makes her way across the threshold on the bathroom door, hauling her into the shower, dress and all.

Simone sputters angrily as the warm water hits her in the face. “What the hell, Chase?! I’m not undressed.”

“Neither am I, but you didn’t give me much choice. Don’t worry. I’ll help you strip.”

I go to lift the hemline of her skirt. She slaps away my hands, cursing me out.

Fine.Guess we’ll shower with our clothes on. If she wants to be a brat, then I’ll be an asshole.

I grab her shampoo, spinning her around to position her back to my chest.

As soon as I get the shampoo in her hair, I work my fingers through her silky strands. Simone stops fighting, sinking against my chest with a content moan. I would’ve loved to bathe her naked, but my angry hellcat would’ve cut off my balls with her manicured nails. They’re hers regardless, but I still need them attached for when I give her babies someday. Hopefully soon.

Focused on my task, I massage her scalp, chasing away the dinner scent with something more floral. I rinse her hair, only to repeat the process with the conditioner before rinsing it away. With Simone finally relaxed, I take the small opportunity to touch her. My fingers work their way down her neck, rubbing out the small knots as I move to her shoulders.

“Numbers,” I murmur against her head. “You’re holding a lot of tension in your shoulders.”

“That’s so it doesn’t come out in my fists,” she hisses, with irritation.

Snickering, I wrap my arms around her waist. “I’m sorry. I know you mean every bit of that threat, but you’re too damn cute when you’re ragging.”

Simone releases a long-winded sigh. “I’m not really mad at you. Annoyed, yes. But you came to my rescue.”

“I’ll always come for you,” I murmur against her temple.

She trembles as my lips press a soft kiss to her delicate skin. My heart surges like cranking the throttle on my hog. I’m so damn excited to be this close to her after a year.

Simone lets me hold her from behind, sinking against me. It’s been far too long since I’ve held her like this. It makes me hesitate bringing up my reservations. The last thing I need her to think is I’m a controlling dick, even though I kind of am with her. The point is, I want to be better for her. Jo and Atlas are always yapping about how open communication is needed in healthy relationships. Here goes nothing.

“Numbers, I’m not happy with you staying on this case.”

“I know. But you need me.”

“Fuck yeah, I need you.” I give her a gentle squeeze on her tapered waist. “And not only as my woman. You’re right for the job. Trent being involved is my only issue. The prick has no right to be near you. I just want to shelter you from him and any feelings resurfacing.”