Page 41 of Chasing Simone

“Hey, now. Let’s settle down. No need to come closer.”

When the dogs charge me, I bolt for headquarters. Luckily, I’d changed out of my business attire before going to dinner at my parents’ home. But the maxi dress and flip-flops I’m wearing aren’t exactly an upgrade from my suit and heels.

My flip-flops smack loudly against the gravel as I sprint for all I’m worth. It doesn’t matter how hard I push myself, I’m losing steam, and I’m losing it fast. My stomach feels like a rock weighing me down, slowing my escape.

My efforts are futile. I won’t make it back to headquarters before either of the dogs reaches me. I curse myself for being a swimmer instead of a runner. All those times Jo begged me to join her on a run—I should have gone. I’m going to be picked clean of my hair, like feathers from a goose.

There’s a massive sycamore less than fifty yards away from the road. If I can reach the tree, I can avoid the dogs. My arms pump faster and my feet follow as I aim for the tree. The dogs follow close behind, yipping excitedly.

Thank God the branches are low, giving me the ability to scale the large trunk like a squirrel fleeing for safety. Runt can jump on the lower branch, but her small stature makes it impossible to go up further.

However, that’s not the case with Hades. He jumps the first branch, then the second, followed by the third…

It should be impossible for dogs to climb trees, but here we are. And of course, I had to pick the one tree on the property to scale with branches wide enough to resemble treads on a staircase.

With my stomach in my throat, I climb higher toward safety. At some point, Hades won’t be able to go any further, right? At least I hope so.

The branches narrow, stopping Hades from advancing. He throws his big block head back, howling like he’s pleading for me to come closer.

Not a chance in hell. I happen to like having hair on my head.

To make sure I’m out of reach of the dogs, I go one limb higher. My feet are sweaty from the rubber of my sandals, causing me to slip in my advance. A scream rips from my lungs as I fall. I land with anoofon a large branch below, wrapping my legs and arms around it in time before I flip on the underside of the branch.

I’m hanging precariously from a tree branch, like a dangling carrot for the dogs. My fingers desperately grasp for purchase, clawing into the bark. I’m scared I may lose my grip, falling the rest of the way.

I scream out for the only person I can think of saving me.



The tech team and I have been at it for hours, finalizing all the last-minute details for the upcoming mission. Limiting Simone’s contact with the firm while I can, I called ahead to have the paper archives for the past year ready for when we arrive onsite. If they’ve already moved the files to off-site storage, the firm employees will have them brought back to the building, reducing the amount of wasted time sitting around for the files.

My team will be small for this operation: Butch, Punk, Simone, and myself. Ziggy will remain at headquarters to assist with other cyber intel cases. Atlas and Gauge are busy working strategy for an entirely different case, but they’re still going strong like the rest of us at this late hour.

I’m still bent Atlas sided with Simone to stay on as lead auditor for the assignment. The idea of her anywhere near her slimy ex has me grinding my molars to pulp.

On the plus side, Simone will have this assignment wrapped up in no time, meaning Trent will have limited time with her. I’ll just need to stay vigilant and hope Punk does the same.

With the bulk of the work done, I sit back in my chair, releasing a loud yawn. I’m drained, but not tired. I rarely sleep, and the only time I sleep well is when I’m near Simone.

Fat chance of me getting that lucky. A man can only wish she’d fall right into his lap, begging to be taken to bed.

I look over at Ziggy, who looks as haggard as me. “Let’s call it a night.”

He nods, rubbing at his tired eyes. “I’m sure Jared’s missing me in bed.”

Lucky bastard has his cuddle partner for the night, whereas I have to go solo. I’m happy Ziggy has Jared as a husband. I only wish I had the love of my life, too.

I wave lazily at Butch, who’s on tech security for the night. My foot is about to cross the threshold when I hear roaring laughter behind me.

All heads turn to Butch quizzically. He doesn’t talk much, let alone laugh. The guy is practically mute by choice. Hearing him break out into hysterics is unusual.

Butch tries to cover his laugh with his fist, shaking his head at whatever he’s watching on the computer monitor.

Atlas questions him. “Care to share, brother?”

Butch gives a few clicks on the keyboard before the main screen on the wall shows a live video feed of the property.