Page 29 of Chasing Simone

Embroidering her nickname,Numbers, on the bitch seat of my bike was an epic tantrum, but nowhere near the ass whooping she gave me when I presented her with an MCProperty of Chaseleather cut.

It’s been a hellish torture to hold what little of myself I can tolerate away from her. She’s one bratty remark away from being thrown over my shoulder, barricaded in my suite, where I’ll lick the attitude right out of her.

The possessiveness I have for this woman has me right up there with how Atlas is with Jo, or Gauge with Opal—over the top Neanderthal in all ways.Shit, soon I’ll be throwing rocks outside my tech cave to keep the vultures away from what’s mine.

Speaking of vultures…

I stare murderously at the name of the man on a sheet of paper who’s cock-blocked me since Simone’s arrival at the club. The name of the prick I want to curb stomp the absolute piss water out of for hurting the most amazing woman in existence—my woman.

Trent Grills, douchebag extraordinaire and public enemy number one, will be liaison in our investigation of P.L. Moore Financial.

The update from the financial firm our security company is hired to investigate sits in my hand, burning a hole in my skin. When I asked Simone to be the head auditor for this assignment, I saw it as a way for her to give a finalfuck youto her ex-boyfriend and boss, who still works at the firm. Never did I imagine it would blow up in my face, putting Simone back in her ex’s path.

As spokesperson for the firm, Trent will be in direct contact with Simone daily. It was bad enough seeing his name roll across my security monitors every time he tried to reach out to her over the past year, which was more often than I care for. Simone handled his pleas for a second chance well enough by ignoring him, but that’s easy to do when you’re states away. Face-to-face is an entirely different challenge.

How am I going to keep him away from her while we conduct this investigation?

To hell if I allow that pissant anywhere near Simone. I hand the assignment sheet back to our MC’s vice president, Gauge, with a hard, “No.”

Gauge lifts an eyebrow. “It’s not an option, brother.”

I grit my teeth. “The fuck it isn’t. We’re backing out.” I give him a challenging look, one that hollers I’ll throw hands if he pushes this.

Simone’s brows pull together as her head swivels back and forth between me and Gauge. “What’s the problem?”

For once, I wish Simone wasn’t beside me. This would be easier to handle without revealing to her why I want our team off the assignment. “It’s nothing, Numbers,” I say matter-of-factly.

“They paid the deposit, bro. Atlas already stamped it with his seal of approval before we received this email,” Gauge says apologetically. “We gave our word, Chase. We always follow through.”

“Extraordinary circumstances bringing additional evidence to light are within our rights of refusing service,” I dispute in a haughty tone. “We don’t owe them shit.”

“What in the world has got your briefs in a twist?” Simone snatches the email from my hand. Before I can snag it away from her, she’s already read the fine print. “Trent is acting liaison for P.L. Moore Financial? Is this why you want Mercy Ravens Security off the case?”

The cat is already out of the bag. No point in denying the truth. “Precisely.”

My sassy woman rolls her silver eyes, cocking her hip with attitude. “Chase, there’s no way the company is backing out of a high-paying gig because of ex-peckerhead.”

“I concur,” Gauge seconds.

“Piss off, VP.” I turn my attention back to Simone, gritting heatedly, “I don’t want Trent near you.”

“Neither do I,” she admits. “But we’re not backing out of this mission because of him. This is our job, Chase. We can’t be promising customers results, then reneging. It takes one shit review to spoil future clients’ interest.”

Irritated, I push a hand up under my glasses, rubbing at my tired eyes before looking back at her. “Simone, the creep hasn’t left you alone since you moved here. Do you honestly think he’s going to leave you be once you suddenly pop back into his line of sight? Fuck that noise. Our company doesn’t tolerate sexual harassment, and he’s more than good at delivering plenty of it.”

Simone folds her arms over her chest, huffing with annoyance. “And how would you know if he’s been sexually harassing me?”

“You know damn well I watch everything coming into this club.” If she wants me to feel ashamed for monitoring her call history, she’s sadly mistaken. That is part of my job as head of intel, and everyone in the club is well-aware I monitor their shit at all times.

“My phone records aren’t club related, Chase. You have no right to monitor my phone.”

“Oh, but you’re wrong. You work for Mercy Ravens Security, which is owned by this MC, making you and everyone in it club business.” I bend to get in her face to make my next point extremely clear. She shows her teeth like a cat ready to take my head off, but I don’t care. I like her teeth, especially when they’re on me. “And if you didn’t work for Atlas, you still would be monitored by the club.”

Simone scowls. “Why would that be?”

“Because you’re my woman,” I say with finality, just like I’ve said a million times to her throughout the past year.

“Dammit Chase, you need to manage this whole biker claiming bullcrap. We’re not a couple.”