Page 24 of Chasing Simone

“No, you’re so much better. And that’s why I won’t give you half of myself. You deserve all of me. I can’t give you all of me, not yet, and I don’t know when I can fully commit. It’s not fair for you to wait around when I have no end date in sight.”

Chase’s arms constrict around me. “I guess I just need to show you how good it is to be with me. Maybe it’ll speed the process along.”

“Chase,” I warn him.

“Don’t you ‘Chase’ me. I’m going to woo the fuck out of you, win your heart. I’ll give you space, but I’m not going to hide away, and neither are you. That shit ends now, you hear me? There’s a trade for a trade, Numbers. If I give you time, then you allow me to show you what you’re missing.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means I spoil you. If I want to buy you a coffee, you’re going to accept it. If I want to take you for a ride on my bike, you’re going to accept it. If I want to buy you things, you’re going to accept them. If I want to shower you with compliments, you’re going to listen and accept it. And if I want to steal a kiss, test the boundaries of your heart, you’re going to maybe get pissed, but you’re going to accept that’s how I operate.”

Unbelievable.If he thinks he can push me around, then he clearly has no idea who he signed his heart over to.


The air gets sucked out of my lungs as Chase quickly takes up my wrists, pinning them over my head. His legs straddle my body, his chest brushing against mine.


“This is who I am, Simone. I take what I want when I see it. I want you.Soooofucking badly. You need time? Fine. You need space? I’ll give as much as I can tolerate. But I have limits. I have needs, and the need to win you over is strong.” He transfers my wrist to one hand, touching the center of his chest. “It’s strong because of what I feel in here for you.”

He doesn’t say he loves me, but the sentiment is there all the same. His confession has my core burning with an ache that needs his soothing.

This isn’t what I asked for, but I see this is Chase offering a compromise, something that’ll suck for both of us, while giving us enough of what we need from the other.

This is overwhelming. “If I say back off—”

“Then I do as you wish. I don’t want to bully you into being with me, Simone. I expect you to push back when you’ve had enough of me. When I overstep, I expect you to ride my ass. I’m not asking you to change—I adore the woman you are, thunderclap and all. I just want to show you how badly I want you.”

I bite my bottom lip. This is too damn tempting. It’s like a kinky fantasy where the hipster, bad-ass biker pursues the woman of his affections while obeying her orders. I feel empowered, like a dominant.

“And you give me tonight the way I want,” he adds matter-of-factly.

“What?!”Dominant role deactivated.

“You heard me. I get you tonight. We do what I want, how I want it. This will give you a damn good clue of what you’ll be missing.”

Why am I slick between my legs? I’m a strong, independent woman who doesn’t bend to any man—ever. But here I am, panting like a dog in heat, rubbing my thighs together as I imagine all the sinful things Chase plans to do with my body.

Physically, I’m all on board, ready to ride this man into tomorrow. Mentally, I war with staying the course, distancing myself. It’s so unfair!

Why can’t I have my cake and eat it, too? Chase is offering, fully aware this doesn’t guarantee I’ll be ready for commitment immediately following. I don’t need to be on high alert with this man. He’s giving me permission to relax and let him pleasure me.

It’s one night.

He’s dicked me down good before, and this time will be no different. Chase is like a can of Pringles. Once you pop, you sure as fuck will not stop.

I’ve decided.

“Fine. I’ll give you tonight.”



The look of triumph flashing in Chase’s eyes and the wickedest smile pulling at his sinful lips have me second-guessing tonight’s agenda.
