Page 108 of Chasing Simone

I internally chide myself for stupidly letting my emotions get the best of me. With how on edge I’ve been with Simone being in proximity to Trent, it was only a matter of time before I lost my cool. And boy, did I lose it.

A normal person might get snippy or say some off-colored remarks to the person they’re enraged with. But I had to strangle the bitch. My behavior was beyond acceptable. It was erratic. If I’m not careful, I’m going to land myself in jail.

Though her voice was barely above a choked hiss, Simone’s threat of police involvement was sound. I can’t afford to be arrested for assault charges. I’m still dumping the funds I stole from the firm, and I need one more day to make sure all the funds have transferred into the new account without it being traced back to me.

Trying not to trip in my heels, I hurry down the back stairwell to the first level. I have to find Trent, to warn him of what I’ve done and the fallout it could bring.

As I suspected, I find Trent poking around in the conference room where Mercy Ravens’ security works. Both men from the security team are gone for the evening, giving Trent the opportunity to see how much they’ve uncovered.

“Fuck,” he mutters, running his hands through his hair.

“Trent,” I cry, running to his side. I wrap my arms around him, burying my face into his neck as I blubber.

“Not now, Cynthia,” he growls, shoving me aside. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

He jabs the keys of one of the crew’s laptops, but nothing appears on the computer monitors. Again, he curses, moving on to the next laptop, only to discover it, too, doesn’t turn on. “How the hell am I supposed to get into their computers if they keep them locked tighter than a damn penitentiary?”

“Trent, forget about the audit for a second. I’m in trouble.”

He snorts, blowing me off. “No shit you’re in trouble, and you could drag me down with you. Did you listen to me for once and dump the money?”

“I’m working on it, but I have another problem.”

Trent moves around the conference table to where the team’s larger computer system is sitting. He presses button after button, with no results.

When Trent shows no care for my current dilemma, I sob and say, “I attacked Simone.”

Trent’s head rears back, his mouth falling open. His face instantly transforms from one of shock to one of rage. He stomps toward me, his face darkening as the blood pumps to the surface of his skin. “You did what?!”

Alarmed by his anger, I involuntarily take a step back. But Trent keeps coming toward me, forcing my feet to backtrack until my back hits the wall. “Trent, please.”

His fists clench at his sides. “Did you hurt her?”

I flinch when he slaps the wall by the side of my head. “Answer the fucking question, Cynthia! Did you hurt Simone?”

“I don’t know,” I answer on a cry. “Maybe a little? She got away and had her guard dog restrain me. I didn’t stick around long enough to examine her too closely after she threatened to report me to the police if I tried anything again.”

Anger radiates from Trent like heat waves on asphalt. His chest rises and falls with increasing speed. “You’re lucky it was her bodyguard who got to you first.”

Pain like no other sweeps throughout my soul. Trent couldn’t have hurt me more than if he reached inside my chest and ripped my heart from my body. Again, he’s favoring Simone.

I’m losing him. He only cares about his ex and could not care less what the punk did to me.

“Why the hell would you attack her, Cynthia? What has she done to you? For fuck’s sake, you’ve put our careers on the line again.”

“Everything!” Angry, I push Trent away to give me breathing room. “She ruins everything. Always the favorite. Always praised. Always getting her way.”

Trent irritably shakes his head. “Christ, you’re a jealous cunt.”

“Excuse me?! How can you talk to me like this? She’s literally trying to steal you right out from under me, and you accuse me of being jealous?”

“Will you get a grip? Simone isn’t trying to take me from you.”

“But you want her.”

There. The dreaded words are finally out. How Trent responds will be the truth.

As if the words pain him, Trent closes his eyes before turning his back on me. “It’s always been her.”