Page 104 of Chasing Simone

“It’s not your fault,” Chase and I say in unison.

“Sure as hell feels like it,” Punk grumbles, with a downturned mouth.

“Stop,” I cough, rubbing at my sore throat. “I’m the one who went against protocol. You tried, and I pushed you out of the way. From now on, I won’t interfere with your security procedure, and I’ll be more vigilant about my surroundings.”

“And I’ll be connected at your hip,” Punk pledges.

Internally, I groan. All I need is more Punk and me time when we barely tolerate each other as is.

“Do you want me to take you to the emergency room to have your throat examined?” Chase asks, his concerned gaze holding mine.

There’s only one thing I want, and it doesn’t involve a doctor, unless it’s some kind of role play.

My throat may hurt like asonofabitch, but I’m wound tight. I’m desperate for a release to relax me and melt away my anxiety. The release only Chase can provide when he demands my submission and takes away the burden of my decision making.

As I stare at him, I shake my head and lick my lips. “I don’t need a doctor. I need you.”

Chase blinks once, twice, before he understands what I’m implying. With his eyes never leaving my face, he unclips the SUV keys from his tactical belt and throws them at Punk. His brother catches them in the air, his eyebrow raised.

“You and Butch can head out. I’ll stay here with Simone until she’s steady enough to walk.”

“How will you guys get back to the hotel?” Butch asks.

“We’ll call an Uber or something. Don’t worry about us.”

Punk purses his lips. “Just don’t have her walk the mile back if she’s unsteady, okay?”

My mouth falls open. Am I hallucinating? Did Cynthia cut the oxygen off to my brain when she attempted to strangle me? It sounds like Punk is concerned for me.

I almost tell him he’s being sweet before he opens his mouth. “I don’t want to hear her complain tomorrow about her feet aching after walking back in her stupid heels.”

My hands clench into fists. It’s better than swinging out to clobber the moron. On wobbly legs, I stand, pointing at the doorway. “Leave, Moron.”

Punk raises his hands in surrender, snickering as he heads for the exit with Butch. “We’re going, we’re going.”

With the guys gone, Chase does a swift sweep on the upper floor, checking for any remaining staff. He returns with a bounce in his swagger, his long strides eating up the distance between us. His lust-laden eyes sweep over my needy body.

“All clear for me to wreck and ravage your flushed little pussy,” he drawls in a low timbre.

Instinctually, I step back. But Chase keeps pursuing me until I’ve walked myself backward against the glass conference table.

Heat pools deep inside of me, anticipating what fun we’ll do next.

Toe-to-toe, our breaths mingle until his air becomes mine, and mine his. I want to kiss him, feel his lips on mine, controlled and forceful.

“Please kiss me, Chase.”

He presses a finger to my lips before wrapping his hand around the back of my neck. “Nu-uh. Don’t be commanding me what to do. That’s my job, and I’m gonna do a lot more than kiss you.” His mouth descends on mine, powerful and molten. He takes and takes, holding me by the nape of my neck as he plunders my mouth. My fingers tangle in his hair, trapping him in place. And I give back, molding my lips to his, meeting his aggression with my own.

After what seems to be an endless kiss, Chase is the first to break contact, yanking his mouth from mine. We both pant, clinging to each other like we’re afraid the other might slip through our grip.

With steady hands, Chase lifts me behind my thighs and sets my bottom down on the table. My breath hitches when he runs his hands up my calves, slowly spreading my legs apart. He doesn’t stop until my feet are resting on the armrests of the chairs that bookend us. My pencil skirt bunches high around my waist, giving him access to my most intimate parts.

Chase steps back, drinking me in like I’m the finest bourbon. Even though my top half is completely covered and my lace panties cover my sex, sitting spread eagle on this cold table in the middle of a vacant office building, I feel completely exposed under his fiery gaze, like he can see who I am on the inside.

“You’re beautiful. Sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. The only one I want. Look at you sitting there patiently like a good girl. Waiting for me to dip my dick inside your tight, wet heat.”

This man is going to make me come with only his words if he continues with the dirty talk.