Page 88 of Chasing Simone

“Move aside.”

“Get a clue, woman. Your man’s actions are his own. Deal with Trent and leave Simone out of it.” Punk shuts the door in Cynthia’s surprised face, with a little more force than necessary. “Delusional snob,” Punk mutters as he turns around to face our team.

Still seated, Chase watches us with a pierced eyebrow raised. “Care to explain what’s going on?”

Punk takes a seat at the table. “Assumed you’d be watching, bro.”

“I was. But I’m referring to what you saw in the file,” Chase clarifies, motioning to the file in my hand. “Show me what you found, Numbers.”

I hand the file to Chase, my hand trembling. Though it’s been a year since Chase and Butch ended Luca’s life, the fear Luca instilled in me remains. “It could be nothing, but my gut tells me this is something the MC would want to know.”

Flipping open the file, Chase scans the documents. His eyes widen, a smile curling the corners of his lips. “I’ll be damned. Looks like we have a lead on Bianchi’s money.”



My call to Piero Bianchi goes straight to voicemail. This is unacceptable. I need to reach him. He hired me to find his money, and Simone found our first solid lead on a sizable chunk of it. I crack my fingers, typing away into my computer. A couple hacks into Piero’s cellular data, and my call goes through.

A few calls go unanswered before Piero concedes and answers. “This better be fucking important. You’re disrupting me in the middle of a business deal,” he seethes through the speakerphone. “I don’t know how you tampered with my phone, but I’m not amused, Chase. I’ve killed men for lesser offenses.”

“Nice of you to answer, you grumpy bastard. What’s got your silk boxers in a twist?”

“You, ya damn hippy. You have me in a twist.”

“I prefer hipster over hippy, and biker over anything else.”

“For Christ’s sake, fucking spit out your business, or I’ll throw this phone against the wall to prevent you from interrupting my meeting again.”

“Geez, he’s a pleasant man,” Simone harrumphs, with her hands on her cocked hips.

Piero falls silent, aware he has an audience other than me. “Is…is that the lovely Jo I hear?”

“No, I’m her sister, Simone.”

“Ah, yes,” Piero purrs, pissing me right off. “I recall you. The striking one with the silver eyes. Impossible to forget. How are you,amor?”

I snarl under my breath. The dickhead either has tungsten balls or a death wish for hitting on my woman.

“I’m fine, thank you. You, however, need to get ahold of your anger issues. You’re going to develop high blood pressure if you don’t rein in your temper.”

“My apologies,amor.You caught me in a weak moment. My annoyance is for Chase, not you. The blasted biker has a way of dragging me down to his level.”

Simone smirks. “He certainly has a way of whittling away on you to the point where you concede.”

“Ah,amor. It pains me you’re a victim of his insufferable behavior, too.” He sighs dramatically. “Can you forgive me for my lack of decorum earlier?”

“Only if you play nice with my man.”

“Your man? As in Chase?” Piero barks a laugh. “My condolences,amor. To be tied to Chase is a nuisance I wouldn’t wish upon my greatest enemies.”

Simone’s gray eyes sparkle with mirth, looking at me while addressing Piero. “Give him a chance—he grows on you.”

Piero scoffs. “Like a parasitic fungus, no doubt.”

My woman can’t help throwing back her head, cackling.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, forcing my glasses to ride up on my forehead. “Are you done roasting me in front of my woman?”