Page 124 of Chasing Simone

The next image shows her jumping into her car and peeling out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell.

“When was this?” I ask Butch.

“Just before her boyfriend left for the evening.”

I rock in my chair, recalling the video of Trent and how it vastly differs from the videos of Cynthia. Trent had left with ease, stopping to joke with a colleague before exiting the building, whereas Cynthia left like her ass was on fire.

One looked innocent, and one did not.

Absorbing this new information, I return to my computer to examine the contents we extracted from the Cayman Islands’ dumped account. I didn’t only transfer the money when I hacked the account. I took all the account info as well, meaning I have a link to our perp. I’m not surprised when the name of the person we suspected comes across my screen.

Cynthia Higgins.

With all the evidence we need to pass this case along to the proper authorities, I clear my throat. “Trent, I need to confirm P.L. Moore Financial wants to press charges against the person responsible for pilfering from its clients.”

He raises a quizzical eyebrow. “The firm definitely wants to take legal action against the one responsible. It’s why we hired your team to begin with.”

“Understood,” I say before I dial the FBI on my cell.

It’s not going to be a good day for Cynthia.



Instead of giving myself a pat on the back for finishing the audit on the most vulnerable accounts, I press on, digging through the remaining files. It probably isn’t necessary, since Chase’s program was spot-on with identifying the pattern the thief used for choosing accounts to raid, but I need to stay busy, or else my mind wanders to Chase.

I’m so damn pissed at my man. He’s beyond intelligent, but he’s unable to grasp my true feelings. A caveman mentality to fit his caveman possessiveness with me.Unreal.

How can he think I’m going to leave him after discovering the reason behind Trent’s infidelity? Does he honestly think I’m going to see Trent’s lack of better judgment as forgivable?

Come on!I can understand being between a rock and a hard place and making a bad call when under duress. But Trent could have gone to the police. He could have gone to the board of directors in the firm. He could have told me, and we would have figured out a solution together.

Instead, he stuck his dick into an easy hole and got his sorry ass blackmailed into maintaining a relationship with a selfish bitch.

And this is the man Chase thinks I’ll choose over him?

No, thank you. I may have a new level of empathy for my ex I lacked before learning of his situation, but I sure as hell don’t regret leaving him, and I willnotpick him over Chase.

My heart beats for one man, and one man alone.

When we close up shop for the day, I’m going to grab Chase by his tawny-colored man bun, drag him down to my five-five height, and kiss the stupid right out of him. I’ll prove to him he’s the only one for me. Saying I love you isn’t enough to convince him, but actions will.

As if my day doesn’t suck enough, Cynthia enters the room with another bundle of files in her arms. She slams the paperwork down on the conference table, shaking the glass.

“The hell?” I mutter, glaring at her from where I sit.

“I refuse to work with yourassistanta moment longer,” she snaps, pointing a manicured finger at Candy, who’s practically attached herself to Cynthia’s hip.

Candy snorts, without amusement. “Like you’re a joy to be around? Please. I’ve had pimps who show more warmth than you, you frigid bitch.”

Cynthia chokes. “Bitch?! I’m not the bitch—you are.”

Candy holds up an open hand, circling it in front of Cynthia. “So much face, not enough palm. You need to learn to shut your hole. A lesson in obedience would do you wonders. I’m sure there’s a dog school in this city willing to help you.”

Cynthia turns to me, nostrils flared. “Do you see what I’m dealing with? I willnotsubject myself to this disgusting piece of trash a second longer. Either you send your guard dog—”

“Hey!” Punk protests, with a miffed expression. “Candy’s right. There’s only one dog in this room, and I sure as shit am not a bitch.”