Page 95 of Engaging Opal

Still, Opal says nothing. Part of me wants to press for details, to hear her first-hand account, especially to ask for his fucking name. But I know better than to push her when she’s in this state. It’s more critical to reestablish her safety. I can question her tomorrow after she has settled.

Yet, I wish she would say something.

“Baby,” I plead. “Say something, anything. I need to hear you’re okay.”

“I need to leave before he comes after all of us.”

Agitated, my nostrils flare. “No, Opal. No more running. It stops now.”

Opal’s eyes dart to mine, her fear evident. “Don’t leave me.”

Leaving Opal’s side is not even a thought. My arms constrict around her, pulling her closer to rest her head on my chest. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Not now or ever.

* * *

The dawn’s rays creep across the floor toward our bed where I hold Opal against my chest. The night dragged. Opal cried all night in her sleep, occasionally thrashing violently. I did my best to soothe her, holding her in the cradle of my arms while murmuring gentle words of love in her ear. But it’s a new day, and I need answers.

I wait for Opal to wake on her own. There’s no need to stir her awake and bombard her right out the gate. When her eyelids flutter open, I lay a kiss on her lips, saying nothing. She tenses, possibly recalling yesterday’s events. Opal must acclimate before I question her. No good comes from trying to force answers out of a witness when their anxiety is high. She’ll be more likely to double down in her silence if I demand answers before she’s ready to communicate.

We lay silently in each other’s arms, my fingers running along her spine, coaxing her to relax in my embrace. When I feel her resting heavily against me, I shoot my shot.

“I know you don’t want to talk about him, but we need to find him. Please, tell me who he is.”

Opal squeezes her eyes tight, like she trying to shut out my request. Her unwillingness to talk is very telling of her current mental state. She’s not ready.

But the longer she remains silent, the less likely the club will track him. I’m not willing to wait for him to pop on the scene again before we get another opportunity to identify the bastard.

I cup her face in the palm of my hand. She opens her eyes, staring deep into mine as I search for the secrets I need to know. “Gorgeous, he won’t get to you. But I can only do so much on the defense. Give me his name, and I’ll make him a permanent part of your past.”

Opal’s eyes water. Her jaw quakes as she tries to fight her tears. “Don’t ask me that, please. I—I can’t. I won’t risk losing you.”

Though I try my best to hide my frustration, I can’t. I feel my tension growing like the budding headache from my clenched jaw. Does she really doubt my ability to protect her? Maybe she worries he’ll come after me. Is that why she fears? Losing me?

“He can’t get to me, Opal. And he sure as fuck won’t get to you if you tell me who he is.”

Opal rolls away, curling into a tight ball, as she cries into her pillow. “I can’t,” she chants.

Seeing her turn away, putting her back to me, cuts me the fuck up inside. She’d rather be by herself than have me comfort her if I continue to press for information. I know I should leave her be. Give her space as she fights off her feelings of dread. But I can’t. All her life, she’s only had herself to comfort her. Opal needs to understand she’s no longer alone in all of this.

Hesitantly, I reach out my hand to her, laying it gently on her shoulder. Opal trembles, but doesn’t shrug me off. I’ve respected her wishes to not spoon her throughout our relationship. Yet, all I want to do is wrap myself around her the way she has her body wrapped around her pillow, to blanket her with all my warmth and protection, letting her know she’s not alone.

Swallowing hard, I clear my throat. “May I hold you?”

After a shuddering gasp through her tears, Opal nods her head. It’s a tremendous step for her.

I slide across the sheets ‘till my chest is nearly touching her back. I tuck one arm under her neck to support her head while the other wraps over her torso. Opal shudders violently, then stills.

“Are you okay? Do you need me to back off? It’s okay if you want me to stop.”

“No, it’s…nice. Don’t go.”

Not needing any other encouragement, I pull her flush to my chest, wrap a leg over hers, and bury my face in her hair. Opal trembles for a moment then sighs as my warmth envelopes her. She sinks into me, her tears slowing.

There’ll be no big revelation today. All I can do is continue to comfort her and pray she’ll open up on her own.