Page 83 of Engaging Opal

It’s not a no. “We could go in the backyard if you want to be close to home, in case you need to step away quickly. Or I could take us for a ride. We can find a secluded location, like a park or trail.”

“Is there a reason I would need a quick escape?”

“No. But I’m giving you the option, so you feel more at ease.”

“What time is it?”

“A little after four.”

“It’s still dark outside. Is it safe to go out?”

“You’ll be with me. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

It’s like Opal is weighing the pros and cons in her head. Her answer has me screaming internally. “Okay. Let me grab my shoes.”

Fucking hallelujah!I may have a chance at redemption.

“Sure. Meet me out front when you’re ready.”

Outside, I pace the driveway where the hogs are parked. It’s only been a few minutes, but I’m sick to my stomach, worrying about if she changed her mind and locked herself in the bunkroom again. When I hear the kitchen back door swing open, I spin around, sighing with respite.

Opal has thrown on some shorts and her Converse. Her hair is brushed and pulled back in a ponytail. She still wears the oversized sweatshirt, which could pass for a dress, but I’ve never seen a more beautiful sight than my woman, allowing me to explain myself. I sure as hell don’t deserve it. Still, I’m grateful she’s giving me some grace.

“Thank you for hearing me out,” I say as I help her in her helmet, hope blooming in my chest. “Maybe if things go well with our talk, I could take you to breakfast at the café you like. We could grab a coffee and walk around town.”

Opal nods, but I can see she looks doubtful. I’ll have to make my case ironclad to make her see my reasoning. Giving her my explanation is one thing, but it’s a whole other having her understand it, and an even bigger obstacle getting her to give me another chance.

One step at a time, Gauge.

On my hog, I wait for Opal to climb on. Like the first time she rode with me, she didn’t know what to do with herself or where to hold on without touching me. It kills me knowing I destroyed the comfortable normalcy we built over the past nine months. We’re back to ground zero, and I have no one to blame but myself.

“It’s okay, Gorgeous. You hold me the way you always have.”

Tediously slow, Opal slides across the leather seat ‘till her front is flush against my back, her willowy arms tentatively wrapping around my waist. A ripple of satisfaction runs over my skin. I didn’t think I would feel her this close to me again. She may not take me back, so I relish this small moment.

I’ve got one shot to set the record straight.Please, God, don’t let me fail her again.



Fifteen minutes later, I pull into the central parking lot of the nature preserve where Atlas and Jo run daily. My brother claims this is “where the magic happens.” I don’t need to get laid, but if some of that lucky magic could rub off on me, I could use it. I’m not a superstitious man—at least not on the level Atlas seems to be, but if a rock landed him Jo, maybe it will work on Opal giving me a second chance.

We climb off my hog and make our way along the gravel trail. The surrounding pine forest is slowly coming to life with birds chirping their morning songs. My hand itches to hold hers, but she has hers buried deep in the sweatshirt’s pouch. A clear sign saying, “Don’t touch me.” That, along with her distancing herself a good three feet away from me, has my skin crawling. I don’t like the invisible wall she has in place. I want to dismantle it brick by brick. Perhaps, over time, I’ll be able to bridge the distance.

But first, I need to explain my stupidity and pray it’s enough.

The further we walk, I spot a boulder off the trail. This must be thestone of opportunitythat Atlas claims is so damn lucky.

“Want to sit and watch the sunrise?”

“Um, sure.”

I heft myself on top of the rock, holding out my hand to help Opal. As soon as her hand is locked with mine, a jolt of electricity shoots up my arm, straight into my heart. The sparks are there for me. Are they still there for her?

We sit side by side on the boulder, watching the sun break over the horizon. The river in front of us shimmers with a warm yellow hue reflecting the Rockies with rippled distortion. It’s the perfect backdrop for a romantic reconciliation. Time to man up and own my faults.

“I wanted you the moment I saw you in that club in Salt Lake City. You looked so angelic and shy—the poster model of innocence. I’ve traveled the world and never seen a woman more beautiful than you. You were mine before your eyes ever landed on me. I wanted to fuck you, ravage you, claim you in every way—I wanted to show the world I marked you. I thought all this, knowing nothing about you. When that sleazebag club manager put his hands on you, I wanted to end him. I didn’t know you, but I knew I wanted to protect you and always keep you by my side.