Page 80 of Engaging Opal

Baffled, I stare at the bar top. He’s right, and I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner. The gravity of my actions kicks me in the chest. I pushed away the greatest woman to cross my path because I got caught up in my stupid head.

“She’ll never forgive me.”

“You don’t know that. I literally slept with Jo, walked out for a job, and ignored her for nearly a week before she told me to piss off. My screw-up was way more monstrous than yours, and Jo forgave me. Granted, I had to grovel on my hands and knees, and her dog, Hades, nearly made my balls his chew toy, but hey, look at us. We’re together and thriving—fuck, man, I’ve got the ring in my damn cut, waiting to find the right moment to slide it on her finger. Opal’s a sweet woman. I doubt she holds grudges the way my woman does. Just talk to her. Explain it the way you did with me just now.”

My eyes shut because he only knows half the story.

Atlas senses my hesitation. “What?”

“My fuck up doesn’t end with my hang-up.”

“Okay, spill.”

“Bro, I was unnecessarily harsh. She wouldn’t let go, so I had to get nasty. I told her I didn’t want her, that she didn’t meet my needs. I said I regretted taking her virginity because she felt like I somehow owed her something of me then. When she said she wasn’t giving up hope, I cranked up the antics and told her she was a poor lay, that I preferred a woman with more experience.”

Atlas groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Dude!”

“After all the bullshit I spewed, she still told me she loved me… I nearly caved. She deserved more than loving a sicko like me. So, I did the unthinkable.”

“What did you do?”

“I made her think I slept with Candy.”

“Jesus fucking Christ! How did you convince her it happened?”

I steeple my hands in front of me, pressing my head against them. “I set it up to look that way.”

Atlas punches me in the shoulder. “What the fuck, bro?”

“I didn’t sleep with her, but Opal thinks I did. Candy’s pissed too. She didn’t ask to be involved.”

Atlas paces the bar. The other patrons clear out—Atlas has a bit of a reputation in these parts.

Great.All I need is for him to bust a barstool against my head. He looks at Opal like his kid sister, and he has every right to be angry with me for hurting her. No matter how upset he is with me, I’m more upset with myself.


He raises a hand to me. “Don’t fucking talk to me for a few, okay? I love you like my own brother, and I really don’t want to kill you.”

Resigned, I watch Atlas pace. Mickey continues to clean the bar, ignoring us like a pro.

After several minutes, Atlas faces me, offering me a solemn look. “You need to grovel and pray she forgives you.”

“I have no problem begging her for forgiveness. I’m just not sure it will be enough.”

“Well, you better figure out what will be enough. That precious woman has suffered unnecessarily. She didn’t deserve this bullshit. Candy? Seriously? Of all the fucking women you could have picked for the job, you picked the one who has been gunning for you since day one.”

Already feeling like utter shit, Atlas’s well-earned disapproval makes me bristle. “Candy wanted you too.”

“And I shut that shit downhard. When Jo came along, she shut it down too. Jo knew I had her back, only wanting her. You picked the wrong one to mess with—Candy is jockeying for Opal’s place.”

“There’s no way Red would have gone along with it when she’s enamored with Reaper. Ebony’s too attached to Opal to hurt her. Candy was the one who would do the job and not snitch.”

“You’re an idiot,” Atlas yells with exasperation.

“Agreed. But I did what I thought was best for Opal. What would you have done?”

“Not this,” Atlas vows in a menacing tone. “I’m too selfish to let go of Jo.”