Page 50 of Engaging Opal

Opal sits up on her knees and throws her arms around my neck. Her body practically hums with excitement. “I’ll go anywhere with you.”



It’s been four months since Levi learned Olina disappeared with a biker gang. None of her data has popped up in the FBI database, meaning A) she has been using someone’s stolen information, B) she hasn’t needed to use her private information, or C) she’s dead.

Levi hopes it’s one of the first two, unable to accept a world where she doesn’t exist.

His options are limited. Until information pops up on his end, there isn’t a thing he can do to help his search.

Months of investigating biker gangs have turned up nothing. The one clue the sleazy strip club owner gave him regarding a flock of birds on their cuts had done little to limit his search. Oddly enough, hundreds of clubs use birds as their mascots. Everything from Eagles to chickens and all the other potential eighteen-thousand species used by MCs.

Questioning Benny again was no longer an option. The strip club owner was gunned down outside his place of business less than a week after Levi had met him. Authorities claimed it was a drive-by, but Levi knew the Bianchi mob put a hit on him.

With his frustration mounting, Levi changes out of his work suit and into workout clothes. He heads for his basement, needing to release some tension. Punching a boxing bag will offer some relief.

The cold, sterile environment he prefers to surround himself with soothes his nerves, but not so much lately. Nothing has truly calmed him since Olina disappeared.

Furious with having no leads, Levi strikes out at the punching bag hanging from the rafters of his sparsely furnished basement. He’s been abusing his body more than of late, needing to channel his rage before it consumes him.

He’s been working the bag for an hour when his cell blares with an irritating shriek.

“FUCK!” Levi roars, recognizing the ringtone as Shelly’s. Of the two Allred women, he’s stuck with the one he doesn’t want.

Ripping the tape from his knuckles with his teeth, Levi answers his cell. “What do you want, Shelly?”

“Levi,” Shelly purrs on the other end of the phone. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.”

Not long enough, Levi muses. He rethinks his initial thought. It’s been months, actually, and he’s due for a visit, especially if he wants to keep Shelly on the hook in case Olina reaches out to her. Doesn’t mean he wants to.

Carefully slipping back into his cool demeanor, Levi says, “I’ve been busy working a case.”

Levi can practically see Shelly’s pout through the phone. “You’re always busy.”

“Yes,” he admits, turning on the charm. “Forgive me?”

“Mmm… I will if you visit.”

A shudder sweeps through his body. There’s nothing wrong with Shelly’s physical appearance, aside from being rail-thin, to turn Levi off. Still, the woman is a classic narcissist, caring for her needs solely.

“Tomorrow,” Levi clips brusquely.

Levi doesn’t appreciate Shelly’s forwardness, preferring the passive demeanor of her daughter. This wouldn’t be an issue if he had Olina. He could cut his ties with her wretched mother and live the life he envisioned having with his girl.

Though Levi prayed on Olina before she was an adult, he couldn’t argue claiming her so young was a downfall. Being able to groom her when she was a teenager was a perk. She did everything as told, never once fought back. Olina was a good girl—his girl.

“But I want you tonight,” Shelly whines. She probably means it to sound playful, but her voice is downright annoying, doing nothing to tempt Levi into giving in to her demands.

“I said tomorrow, Shelly,” Levi repeats with remarkable restraint. He needs to distract her focus from him, give her something else to fixate on. “Are you low on alcohol?”

Shelly’s silent for a moment before answering, “Yes. I’m nearly out.”

He smirks, enjoying his control over her weak-willed mind. He fantasizes about her fidgeting, itching to open a bottle to drown away her pain.

“I’ll restock your liquor cabinet tomorrow.” Before Shelly can say more, Levi disconnects. Hopefully, that would be enough to keep the woman from harassing him further tonight.

Levi returns to the punching bag, launching a savage attack on it, imagining it’s Shelly’s face he’s pummeling.