Page 39 of Engaging Opal



Sex trafficking cases are the most challenging assignments the club takes on, but it’s worse when it involves kids. Those who commit sexual crimes against children should only be handled one way—castration followed with a bullet between the eyes.

Our team knew the Seattle assignment would be difficult, but we were unprepared for how utterly odious the situation was. The things these children endured while in captivity I would not wish upon my greatest enemies.

This assignment is fucking with my head. I keep thinking about Opal as a teenager being subjected to similar torture. Not knowing what she suffered from her abuser makes my imagination more horrible.

Our crew had already picked off the first location where half the children had been held hostage. We moved swiftly through the warehouse, eliminating targets as we came upon them. The team’s priority as mercenaries is to the victims. We make sure they’re secure. Wrangling the sex traffickers guarding the children is last on the list. If the guards impede our pursuit, we make them eat lead. Whoever remains standing is questioned before being handed over to law enforcement.

We’re now in pursuit of the remaining perps and children. Even though half their inventory was confiscated by our team, they wouldn’t abandon all profit. The traffickers put too much work into this operation—too much time and money were invested. They would try to move their remaining cargo instead.

Which explains why our crew is currently sprawled around the convention center’s loading dock access. There’s only one ship big enough to hold all the victims scheduled to leave port soon. The vile men have no clue they’re walking right into a trap.

Atlas is in position on higher ground with his sniper rifle. I sit beside him with my night vision binoculars as his spotter—just like our SEAL days. Flay and Triple are positioned to the East while Brass and Reaper are spread out over the North. Ziggy handles communications from off-site, watching through the cities camera surveillance system.

The plan is for our guys on the ground to surround the group while I direct Atlas where to take his shots of those in charge. It’s a formation we’ve done a million times, but it’s effective.

All is silent on the comms until Ziggy says, “Targets approaching. Three semis. Two men each.”

I use my binoculars to watch the ports’ entrance. Within minutes, three white semis pull into the access point, coming to a stop in front of the cargo ship. My directions are quick. “Seven o’clock.”

Atlas adjusts this rifle, taking the shot. His first bullet goes through the driver’s temple of the first semi and exits into his companion’s neck in the passenger seat.

I focus on the third vehicle—taking them out is vital to our operation. “Three o’clock.”

Again, Atlas swiftly adjusts his rifle, taking out the driver. The passenger ducks for cover.

The rest of our team rushes in. Flay guns down the driver and passenger of the second semi as Triple slices the carotid artery of the passenger in the third semi. The traffickers stationed guards in the back of the semis. They rush out, but they get slaughtered by Brass and Reaper. Atlas picks off the stragglers as I call off their location. The whole ambush is over within fifteen minutes.

Though the perpetrators are dead, the hardest work begins as our team helps the children out of the semis. Aside from a mountain of government paperwork, we have to question the children before handing them over to CPS, ensuring there are no other traffickers or victims we still need to find. It’s a hard thing to stomach, and we will be at it for days.

One fair-haired girl catches my attention. She can’t be more than mid-teens. The haunted look on her face reminds me too much of Opal. It hits too close to home. I turn away, vomiting up everything in my stomach…and possibly a piece of my soul as well.



December 2019

It’s been two months since I arrived at headquarters, and I’m finally settling into this new life. Gauge has been gone for a couple of weeks, and I miss him terribly. To pass my days, I do my baking duties for the club.

While I wait for my pistachio bread to finish baking, I sit on the couch, scrolling aimlessly through Pinterest recipes on my phone, but more or less daydreaming about Gauge. I’m giddy since my biker hero is coming home tomorrow evening after working on a mission with Atlas and over half the crew for the last two weeks in Seattle.

Contact is limited while the team works on assignments. Gauge explained not having his head one hundred percent in the case could put him or the crew in danger. I don’t want to compromise the guys, but I treasure the few phone calls and texts I receive from him.

With most of the crew gone, the bunnies are bored stiff with their abundance of free time. There’s only so much tidying you can do around this tiny rental before you watch the furniture at eye level, waiting for the dust to fall.

“Gawwwd! I wish the boys were coming home tonight,” Ebony gripes.

I pat her knee. “Me too.”

“Let’s play a game,” Red suggests.

“Good idea,” Candy exclaims. “How about a classic? I’ll go first. Opal, truth or dare?”

Her request has me inwardly cringing. I can only imagine her dares would be awful. “Truth.”