Page 25 of Engaging Opal

What the front door is going on?! Does Gauge already have an old lady?

Oh, my God…am I the other woman?

Gauge takes her hands in his, and firmly but gently, pushes her away from his body. “Hands to yourself, Candy.”

She scoffs. “Since when has touching you been off the table?”

“Since now,” he says resolutely as he takes my hand, pulling me toward the house.

Candy eyes me with contempt on her face.

Wonderful.I made my first enemy and I haven’t been here a minute. Hopefully, that’s the only bump in the road that will need smoothing out.

Ebony stops sucking face with Punk, stepping away and causing him to fall forward. She hustles toward us, ignoring Punk’s complaints. “And who is this precious thang?”

She seems friendly, putting me right at ease. “I’m Opal.”

“Well, welcome. I’m Ebony—Eb for short. You new to the MC life?”

“Yeah,” I admit.

She gives me a warm smile. “I’ll help you get the lay of the land. It can be challenging if you don’t know why things are the way they are. But it sure is a wild ride.”

Wow.She’s really sweet. I can see myself getting along with her.

The woman Gauge called Candy has joined our introduction. She makes a lazy circuit around Ebony and me, examining me with an upturned nose. “She’ll do, I guess.”

“Opal isn’t a recruit to have fun with,” Ebony warns Candy. “She’s obviously with the VP.”

Candy ignores her. “Been a long time since we’ve had a new bunny in the club.”

Say what now?

Gauge snaps to attention, the cords in his neck protruding. “Back off, Candy. She’s with me.”

Candy is completely unaffected by Gauge’s hostility. She brushes my hair off my shoulder, looking at it like she wants to rip it from my head. “Pity. We could have had such fun.”

Is she referring to him and her, or me and her, or all of us together?

Ebony steps in front of Candy, forcing the pink-haired woman to step back. “Easy,chica. Gauge is territorial with this one. Like pound on chest, throw poo territorial. You got me?”

“Oh,” Candy says, her brown eyes widening mockingly. “Is our great VP claiming an old lady?”

Instead of entertaining Candy with a response, Gauge leads me inside the tiny house.

I’m relieved to be out of the hostile situation, but Candy’s use of the word “bunny” has me shook. Finding myself on edge for the first time since leaving Utah, I gnaw the inside of my cheek as I trail behind my green-eyed biker. My new reality sinks in as I take in my new surroundings in a lifestyle I have no clue about.

Gauge leads me down a narrow gray hallway to a bedroom furnished with bunk beds. Though the room is modest in decor, it’s immaculate.

He throws our bags on a top bunk before taking my face in his calloused hands. “Are you okay? I know this is a lot of change all at once.”

His concern is comforting, and I genuinely need that comfort at the moment. “This is all very overwhelming. I’ve been on my own, alone for years. Suddenly, I’m hundreds of miles away, with no job and no clue what I’ll do with myself. I may have slept among strangers in homeless shelters until I could afford my own space, but I’ve never lived with strangers. The crew is friendly, but I’m an outsider.”

My emotions bubble to the surface. As the first of my tears break free, I drop my face into my hands, not wanting Gauge to see me cry. He pulls me against his chest, wrapping me in soothing warmth.

“I get it, Opal. When I joined the Navy, I had similar feelings. I went from living with my pawpaw to living in a barracks with strangers. I didn’t know what to expect. My nerves were on edge constantly until I found my footing.”

I sniffle. “How did you do it?”