Page 23 of Engaging Opal

“Whatever,” I mumble around my coffee mug right as Opal returns from the restroom.

My heart trips in my chest with how pretty she looks, dressed down in jeans, converse, and another band t-shirt. When she sits, she shifts uncomfortably in her chair. Surely a result of our earlier romp. Opal must feel my eyes on her because she peeks at me with a blushing smile.

Giddy, I beam like a damn fool. Atlas shakes his head, chortling.

My happy-go-lucky demeanor drops as Punk and Chase join our table. I’m still salty over the prank they pulled. The red golf-ball-size lump on Punk’s forehead gives me some satisfaction.

Punk gives me a cocky smirk as he and his partner in crime take a seat. “How did you all sleep? Chase and I woke up to this high-pitch squealing.”

I glower murderously at my younger brothers. Opal is oblivious to everything as she sips her coffee. She looks around the table at all of us, curiously.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” I warn through clenched teeth.

Chase slaps the table in a rhythmic beat while Punk moans, “Gauge. Oh, Gauge!”

Opal’s hands fly up to her face, her skin flushing beet-red.

Before I can lash out, Atlas beats me to the punch. “Enough,” he orders sternly. “Publicly embarrass Opal again and I won’t hold Gauge back from attacking.”

Our brothers stop their teasing. “Ah, shit. We’re sorry, Opal,” Chase says with chagrin.

“Yeah,” Punk agrees smugly. “Sorry for being a massive dick. At least you got one from someone today.”

“Motherfucker!” I launch at him across the table, but the sneaky bastard evades me. He takes off running, baying like a donkey.

Opal chews on her bottom lip. “If Gauge was any bigger, he’d have split me in half.”

I do a double-take at the same time Atlas spits out his coffee. Neither of us expected something like that to come from someone so sweet.

Chase chuckles. “Isn’t that the nicest thing a woman could say about her man?”

Her man.I like the sound of that.

Atlas shakes his head, addressing Chase. “Get the team together. We head out in five.” He turns to me. “I want updates every time you stop on the road.”

I nod, understanding. Prez likes us to keep him in the loop when we’re traveling, wanting to make sure our crew is safe at all times. The captain in him has never retired.

Chase pulls out a cell from his cut, handing it to Opal. Her brow pulls together, but she takes it. “What’s this?”

“A way of communicating to the outside world,” Chase jokes.

I slap him upside his head. “Don’t be an asshole.”

“The cell is yours,” Atlas explains, bending to plant a chaste kiss on her angelic head. “Don’t be afraid to reach out if you need anything. All club members are programmed into it. You’re part of the family, and we protect our own.”

Warms my heart seeing my best friend openly accepting Opal. My actions may scream she’s mine, but I haven’t laid a claim. No need to make a public statement this early in the game—with my luck, I’d probably spook her. I’m a patient man. A declaration will come soon enough and on her terms.

Atlas motions for me to follow him outside. At our bikes, he turns to me. “Have you learned anything about her past?”

“Not much,” I admit. “Her birth name is Olina. She’s twenty-one. And she’s running from her mother’s ex-boyfriend.”

Atlas’s jaw ticks. “Did he hurt her?”

“She hasn’t openly admitted it, but yes, I believe he did.”

His eyes darken. “Keep talking to her. When she finally reveals his identity, we’ll go hunting.”

Enough said. We’re mercenaries—tracking and exterminating perps is what we do.