Page 15 of Engaging Opal

Her costume makeup has been wiped clean from her slender face, letting me see the real Opal.

She’s radiant. A dusting of freckles covers her nose and cheekbones. Her lips are pale pink and naturally plump. Her eyelashes are long and as blond as the roots of her fair hair. She wears a suction-tight tank top and some tiny night shorts, both leaving little to the imagination.

All the air gets sucked out of my lungs. “You’re beautiful.” I have no filter around this woman.

Opal’s eyes drop to the floor. She smiles, her pale skin turning pink. I can’t help but notice how her blush creeps up her cleavage before climbing the soft column of her neck to her cheeks. Does she blush between her legs too?

My dick goes from soft to hard instantly, weeping with desperation. This shit won’t do. I need to retreat before she notices the giant bulge in my jeans. I don’t want to give her another reason to make her second guess about spending the night with me.

Her age, dick for brains! Ask for her age.

“Opal,” I croak, clearing my throat. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking before coming into the room, but I need to know your age. If you don’t feel comfortable telling me, that’s fine, but then I’ll bunk with Atlas.”

Opal gives me a tentative look. “It’s okay, Gauge. I’m twenty-one. Twenty-two in a few months.”

Her body says grown ass woman, but her face… She looks jailbait young. “Do you have proof?”

For a moment, it looks like she might tell me to go bunk with Atlas. She nervously looks over at her things before looking back at me. “I have my ID, but it’s old—I never updated it.”

“That’s okay,” I reassure her, knowing she’s not ready to share her identity with me. “I just need to see the year.”

“Just the year?”

“You can share whatever information you want to share with me. Hell, I hope someday soon you will, but for now, I just need to see the year.”

Opal seems to debate for a moment before turning to her belongings. Surprisingly, she doesn’t go for her purse. Instead, Opal rummages through her bag, pulling out the box she packed from her apartment. Considering she doesn’t carry her ID in her wallet, shows me she’s trying hard to conceal her identity.

I can’t see what’s in the box from where I sit on the bed. Her back faces me, blocking off any visual. I’m half tempted to creep up behind her, sneaking a quick peek at its contents, but that’ll get me nowhere with earning her trust.

Opal turns around, clutching her ID in both hands. “You won’t look at anything but the year?”

My fingers cross over my heart. “Promise. Cover up everything else if it makes you feel better.”

“It would.” She steps forward, holding out her ID with her fingers over everything she doesn’t want me to see.

My eyes home in on the year, and her picture. The results make me sigh with relief. She’s legal.Thank fuck.I want to ask her to show me more information, but I agreed to the year only.

As quickly as Opal showed me, she yanks it back. She returns it to the box, packing it away.

All I can do is watch her fabulous ass jiggle in her tiny night shorts with her movements. I yearn to reach out, cupping her cheeks to feel their thickness in my palms.

She turns back around, blushing when she catches me staring at her.

I need a distraction from the siren standing in front of me before I act on primitive needs.

“Did you have a nice shower?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. All I picture in my head is her naked in the tub.

“It was lovely,” she confesses with a small smile. “I haven’t had a hot shower in a long time.”

We both fall silent. I’m unsure of what to say and I bet she is too. I know what I want to do, but I’d be moving too fast. This gorgeous woman deserves words of affirmation and acts of kindness before building to slow and tender physical touch. Manic thrusting is nowhere near the future.

“I’m gonna shower,” I announce hastily, needing to get away from Opal’s tempting body. “I poured you a glass of champagne. We may as well enjoy it.”

Opal smiles as I take leave for the bathroom. Quickly, I husk my clothes and climb in the shower, worried if I take too long, she might slip out, making a run for it.

Desperate to shrink the raging boner I’m sporting, I blast the cold water. No matter how cold it is, my cock refuses to lower. It’s taken on a life of its own, longing to sink deep inside of Opal.

Not going to happen, big guy.