Page 133 of Engaging Opal

We’ve been going at it for hours with no results, which is unacceptable—we need to determine the algorithm of where the money is being bilked to proceed with our investigation.

Simone may be distancing herself from me, but I could use her help with this case. The woman is a whizz with numbers. Hence, my nickname for her is Numbers.

Don’t think about it, Chase.

She’s asked for time and space to get over her ex-boy brat, and I need to respect that. The first anniversary of when Simone arrived at headquarters has passed. Meaning, I’ve given her ample time to get over the douche nozzle. Yet, this particular case might trigger some emotions she’d rather forget.

But she’s on Atlas’s payroll as our accountant.

I mean, I can ask her to assist me, claiming it’s work-related since it technically is. Besides, her expertise rivals mine by far in this area.

Fuck it.I heft myself out of my chair, grab the case file, and amble across the hall toward Simone’s office. I could call her on her cell, but I want an excuse to look at her. Simone could refuse me—at least this way, I get to blatantly stare at her before she turns me down.

I find Simone hard at work behind her desk, scrolling through an accounting spreadsheet. The woman’s organizational skills are top-notch with how she operates the company’s finances. She truly is an asset to our crew.

Trying to go for sexy-casual—hey, anything to make her wet for me—I lean my broad shoulder against the doorframe, showing off my muscled biceps, rapping my knuckles on the open door. “Knock, knock, Numbers. You got a minute?”

She doesn’t even bother looking up from her computer screen. “I swear to God, if you are here to ask for another booty call, so help me…”

Damn, her sassy-ass is hot. I shamelessly adjust my hardening cock in my jeans—it’s not like she’s looking at me, anyway.

“As much as I would love to entertain your booty, I’m here on a business-related matter.”

After a brief rundown of the case, Simone still isn’t convinced my intentions are honest. To be fair, she’s not entirely wrong—I’d do about anything to always have this woman beside me.

“Here,” I say, handing her the file. “Maybe this will change your mind.”

Simone opens the thick folder, asking, “What’s this?”

“The investment corporation we’re investigating.”

Simone’s eyes scan through the top page of the file, bulging once she gets to the name at the bottom. “Holy shit! This is my old company.”

Knowing I have her snagged, I ask, “Will you help me?”

A minute later, Simone sits beside me in the tech room, combing through the accounting records that have been giving my team so much grief.

She points at the monitor. “Here. Do you see these expenses? One of my specialties was keeping a lookout for fraudulent operations—these accounts have all the telltale signs of embezzlement.”

Unable to resist her, I plant a fat one on her cheek with a wet smack. “Thanks, Numbers. You’re a genius.”

Shockingly, she doesn’t take a swing at me for pulling a fast one on her. She laughs, blushing at my praise…or maybe because that kiss meant as much to her as it does for me.

Simone quickly looks away when she notices me staring a little too hard at her beautiful face.

“So…um,” she stumbles over her words. “How deep do you think this thieving goes?”

Could have sworn she wanted to ask me something else—possibly something about us. Wishful thinking, I guess.

“Not a clue, but enough to have several investors claim fraud over the past year,” I answer before asking, “Weren’t you involved with the investment banking division?”

“Yes. I had transitioned from accounting into investment banking when I joined the corporation.” She shakes her pretty head. “I can’t believe they let this shit slip under the radar. I knew my boss, Cynthia, was a flake who didn’t know her ass from a hole in the ground. But Trent…he should have caught this.”

Hearing her ex’s name slip past her sweet lips chaps my ass. On the flip side, the way she said his name with disgust is a vast improvement from how it would have brought her near tears a year ago. Maybe Simone is ready to move on—with me, specifically.

I see an opportunity and spring on it. “Maybe you could work this case with me, seeing as you’re an expert.”

Simone scrutinizes me. “For real? You want me to audit my old place of employment?”