Page 117 of Engaging Opal

Gauge gives a humorless snort. “Are you for real? You plan on putting a bullet in your old man Esteban, but you’re going to tell me I can’t do the same? Fuck you, Maceo.”

Atlas bares his teeth a moment before collecting himself. “The difference being my potential sperm donor is an American most wanted drug lord, while your enemy is a fucking federal agent. You willing to do jail time over this shitbag?” Atlas challenges Gauge. “You got a woman who you’re going to marry and build a future with, but you’d risk all of it to spill his blood? Who’s more important here? Levi or Opal?”

Gauge’s heavy brow furrows, casting his eyes in dark shadows. He’s not pleased, but I can see his brother’s words are affecting him.

Atlas rests his hand on Gauge’s shoulder to anchor his friend. “Let the prison have him, bro. He deserves to suffer. Death is too kind for the likes of him.”

There’s a long pause as we anxiously wait for Gauge’s response.

“Aye. Aye,” Gauge mutters through clenched teeth.

Atlas nods, pleased, before slapping Gauge on the back. “Time to get Dave involved.”



Being face-to-face with the dirty biker took all of Levi’s willpower. More than anything, he wanted to pull his gun from his holster and unload on the prick from across the table. But he had a plan.

Framing Clint Roberts for Shelly’s death was supposed to be a slam dunk deal. He knew the sex trafficking charge wouldn’t hold, but the speculation was enough to get the warrant to pull the retired Navy SEAL’s DNA, tying him to the crime.

The Utah state attorney general could easily paint the picture of a possessive biker taking retaliation out on Olina’s mother for her past neglect of her daughter. While the biker was in jail awaiting trial, they would remove Olina from the compound for questioning at an FBI field office. Since he’s the lead investigator on her cold case, he would have direct access to her. And from there, he could simply escape with her, finally able to live the life he wants with his perfect, submissive girl.

But it all went to pot the moment the biker proved he wasn’t anywhere near the scene of the crime when it was committed. Levi could barely maintain composure as his case against the asshole fell apart, not to mention nearly throwing hands when he heard him bragging about returning to hisfiancée. He can’t allow Olina to marry the man—she’s his to have and hold.

Levi nearly fucked himself over by exposing himself when shit wasn’t ironclad, but it was clear Clint Roberts had no clue who he was.

It’s been less than twenty-four hours since Levi was forced to go back to the drawing board, orchestrating other ways to get Olina back. He still has the missing person’s case to work with, but he needs to prove to a judge beyond a doubt that Olina is being held against her will. After his epic fuck up pinning Shelly’s murder on the biker, the legal system will be less inclined to grant him another warrant, especially to infiltrate the mercenary compound held in the highest regard.

Levi sits at his kitchen table back home in Salt Lake City, scouring through files related to the Mercy Ravens. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for exactly, just something to build a case against the club for being nefarious in their behavior. So far, he’s found shit to work with. The lot is either a bunch of boy scouts or superb at covering their asses.

It’s the early hours of the morning, but Levi can’t sleep, unable to rest until he nails the biker-dick to the wall. There has to be something he’s overlooking, unable to believe the MC has a spotless reputation.

Engrossed in his files, Levi almost doesn’t hear his cell buzzing on the table. He reaches for it, barely glancing away from the paperwork to see its fellow FBI agent, Braun.

Calling? At this hour?

Levi answers, his Spidey-senses on edge. “Braun? It’s a bit early for a wake-up call, my man,” Levi says with light humor, keeping his suspicions under wrap.

“Is it true?”

Already knowing this is not good, Levi stands from his chair, gathering his open files. “You’re going to need to be more specific. I’m not a mind reader.”

“Is it true what Olina Allred is accusing you of?”

Levi’s face twists into an angry sneer. Looks like the biker has forced her to show her cards. Olina would never have been brave enough to go to law enforcement otherwise.

“Olina Allred? My missing person?” Levi plays dumb as he continues to collect his paperwork, filing them into the boxes before going to his closet to pull his already packed bags. It’s never a bad thing to be prepared.

“Has she been recovered? Is she safe? And what the hell am I being accused of by Olina Allred? I never met the woman in person—I’ve only worked her missing person case.”

Braun groans with relief on the other end of the line. “I knew it. I knew it was a fucking lie. There’s no way you could ever hurt a child.”

Levi goes into his bathroom, throwing things into his toiletry bag as soundlessly as possible. “Hurt a child? What the hell are you talking about? What’s going on?”

“Got a call from the higher-ups. Olina Allred has been with the Mercy Ravens, as we suspected. Apparently, their hotshot lawyer has helped her to file a civil suit against you for child molestation.”

“WHAT?!” Levi doesn’t need to pretend to be angry when he already is. He seethes, outraged that his girl has finally spoken out against him. The biker must’ve influenced her, and he will be dealt with. Olina will remember her place once he gets his hands on her.