Page 114 of Engaging Opal

I give the asshole agent one last measured look before walking away. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out this guy is far from done with me, but it will have to be another day. My only concern is getting back to Opal before Agent Grayson comes snooping for her.



My leg bounces uncontrollably as I sit in Jo’s living room, waiting for Gauge to return from being interrogated by the FBI. Chase said the feds wanted to question Gauge, but he didn’t know what they wanted to question him on. There’s no way the FBI would come knocking unless they had a reason, and I’m confident that reason is Levi.

Reaper continually makes rounds around the house, securing the perimeter, while Punk watches over Jo and me. Everyone else is on lockdown at headquarters. When Jo asked why we weren’t being moved to the clubhouse, Punk said it wasn’t safe to transport us if we were being watched.

Strangely, Punk was addressing me and not Jo. Is he saying they’re worried I’m being watched by the FBI?

When we hear Harleys rolling onto the property, we all release a heavy sigh. I wait at the door for Gauge, afraid to leave the house just in case. He busts through the front door with Atlas on his heels.

“For fuck’s sake, will you listen to me, Gauge?”

My fiancé ignores Atlas, tucking me tight against himself like a football. “I’m not dicking around, bro. Opal and I are getting the hell out of Colorado.”

What is happening? Questioning at the police station must have been terrible if Gauge wants us to leave.

“You think running is the answer?” Atlas explodes with frustration, pointing an accusatory finger at me. “Opal has been running for years and look how good that’s turned out for her. You set foot off the property, and they’ll be on your ass like flies on shit.”

“Are we supposed to wait around until the FBI arrives with a search warrant? The fuckers accused us of abducting Opal. If we stick around, the whole club could get into trouble. If they come after me, that’s one thing, but I’m not going to let the rest of our brotherhood get dragged through the dirt, tainting the image of our MC and company.”

Fear has my heart in a death grip. If the FBI gets a warrant, Levi could come with them onto the property. If that were to happen, there’s nothing any of the guys could do to protect me.

“Calm down, both of you,” Jo says, getting in between Atlas and Gauge, trying to deescalate the situation. “No one is going anywhere until we have a solid evacuation plan in place.”

“We can get you and Opal off the grounds easily without bringing attention to yourselves, but we need to establish a safe house before we move you,” Punk says to Gauge, trying to calm him. “We’re not letting you guys leave without a secure place to lie low.”

“It doesn’t matter because neither of them is going anywhere,” Atlas barks with finality. “Opal is a fucking adult who makes her own choices. All she needs to do is tell them she’s here of her own free will, and the harassment stops.”

“Not happening. You didn’t see how that one agent was acting about Opal. I don’t trust the dude, and I sure as fuck will not allow him anywhere near her.”

This is serious. I try to find my voice to speak, but the words stick in my throat. All that comes out in wheezing sound, like I’m struggling to fill my lungs.

Gauge looks at me, his face lined with worry. “Opal, I need you to take a seat. There’s something I have to tell you.”

The gentle but firm way he’s speaking can only mean he has more bad news to reveal. He pulls me to the couch, where we sink deep into the cushions as a unit. With one arm wrapped comfortingly around me, he takes my right hand in his free one. Gauge pulls in several deep breaths, almost like he’s bracing himself for what he’s about to disclose.

When his soft green eyes meet mine, I know something horrible has happened.

“Opal… I’m sorry. The police found your mom murdered in her apartment.”

My free hand covers my mouth to hold back a cry. Tears build in my eyes, blurring my vision.

“No,” I croak, grief-stricken as the first of my tears spill. “No.”

A mix of emotions bubbles to the surface. Shelly was a neglectful and emotionally abusive parent, but she was still my mom. She may not have loved me, yet that never stopped me from hoping that one day she would. I accepted she was never a good parent long ago. The loss I feel is more for the mother I never had and now never would.

Jo hovers nearby, wringing her hands. She wants to console me, but stays back to let Gauge comfort me. Atlas and Punk watch on, silently.


Gauge’s eyes sharpen, debating on whether to divulge this gruesome information. “Opal, I don’t think that’s such a good—”

“Tell her,” Atlas interrupts, folding his arms over his chest. “She can handle it.”

“It’s not a matter of whether Opal can handle it. It’s about saving her the pain of having that knowledge. You can’t erase something after it’s been said,” Gauge snaps at his brother.