Page 112 of Engaging Opal

Dave lays a hand on my arm to silence me. “Exactly how was my client’s DNA identified?”

“A coffee cup was left behind at the scene. When swabbed, it came back with a hit from the Naval database belonging to your client.”

Part of being in the military is giving DNA samples to the Armed Forces Repository of Specimen Samples to identify remains. However, it’s not supposed to be included in the FBI criminal database.

Dave is all over them. “You realize it’s illegal to access DNA records from the Armed Forces Repository without clearance through the proper channels?”

“Good thing we got a warrant for Mister Roberts DNA then,” Agent Grayson chides.

If the feds were granted a warrant to access my DNA profile, then these schmucks have something else up their sleeves.

Dave cuts to the chase. “On what grounds was the warrant granted?”

“Abducting and imprisoning a missing woman,” Agent Grayson answers. He lies out the missing persons file on Opal. “Olina Allred. Age twenty-three. Went missing from her home at seventeen in October of 2015, presumed kidnapped. An anonymous call was made from here in Fort Collins, notifying our Missing Persons division. The caller claimed to have seen Miss Allred in the presence of Mercy Ravens MC members.”

There’s only one person who would have made an anonymous call to the FBI—Opal’s abuser.

FBI Special Agent Grayson’s name finally hits home. He was the rookie assigned to Opal’s case when she went missing. No wonder this prick is all over me. I’m his only solid link to his cold case.

“This is bullshit,” I mutter to Dave, trying hard to control my racing heart rate. “I wasn’t even in the states in 2015. I was sweating off my nut sack in the Middle East for a solid year.”

Dave’s eyes narrow on the agents. “You’re telling me a warrant was granted on an anonymous tip alone?”

“We believe Mercy Ravens MC may be holding Miss Allred hostage,” Agent Braun clarifies.

“Again, you’re accusing my MC of abducting a teenage girl over half a decade ago when our club is only three years old,” I seethe, finding it difficult to contain my composure.

“The young woman may have been trafficked around for some years before ending up with your organization,” Agent Braun suggests in a bitter tone. “The security company you work for has a history of taking on human trafficking cases. You could easily have found her in one of your busts, fallen smitten, and taken her as some sort of trophy.”

“You have got to be shitting me,” I grit through my teeth.

“It still doesn’t explain why my client’s DNA was warranted,” Dave argues.

“It wasn’t just your client, but all active members of the Mercy Ravens MC,” Agent Braun adds.

The crew is going to lose their shit over this.

“Again, you’re failing to enlighten us as to the connection between this missing woman and your dead victim,” Dave counters.

“The connection is that our murder victim is the mother of the said missing woman,” Agent Braun finally reveals.

I force myself to remain still, my face to remain blank even though I want to launch across the table at the agents. The better my chances are of not winding up in cuffs.

Dave is unruffled. “When was the murder victim discovered?”

Agent Braun flips through his notes. “Shelly Allred’s remains were discovered in her apartment four days ago by Bountiful Police. After she didn’t show up to work for a few days, her manager called the cops.”

Dave presses for more info. “Time of death?”

“Approximate time a death was three days before discovery.”

“What was the coroner ruling?”

“Coroner said Allred died from asphyxia due to strangulation.”

“And when were you notified by the concerned citizen of the missing woman being sighted?”

“The tip about Olina Allred’s sighting was taken a week before Shelly Allred’s death.”