Page 107 of Engaging Opal

Levi’s eye twitches, a migraine forming from lack of sleep and growing anxiety. With each day that passes without seeing Olina or the biker, the more unwound he becomes. This is what Olina has turned Levi into—an unhinged, possessive fool. He needs her back, and the biker gone.

Grimacing, Levi returns his focus back to the MC property.

Activity around the compound seems low, but nothing is popping up on the FBI database to show the MC is active on government-issued assignments. Doesn’t mean they can’t be doing something off the books or have gone deeper undercover than Levi’s FBI agent status has access to.

The faces of the guards making regular rounds are familiar, having seen them several times before walking loops around the property. They’re well trained in surveillance—retired military, for sure. He could charge in, maybe take out one or two of the males, but he doesn’t know what’s waiting behind closed doors.

Another course of action is needed.

Luckily, Levi grabbed the last coffee cup the biker drank out of when he disposed of it. Levi didn’t have a clue what he would do with the garbage, but some inner voice told him to take it. DNA can be very valuable.

Alone in his car, he stews as he glares at the impenetrable fort housing Olina. His cell rings with an all too familiar ringtone, grating against his already raw nerves.

Levi doesn’t even bother answering his cell, knowing Shelly ringing for a booty call and cash.

Shelly’s an ever-growing thorn in his side, nagging him around the clock. Levi hoped she would’ve drunk herself into oblivion or died from liver disease, but alas, she trudges on. The only reason Levi kept in contact with her was in the off chance Olina would reach out to her mother. It never happened, and now that he knows where Olina is, he no longer needs Shelly. She has served her purpose, but she’s a loose end that needs to be tied off.

Olina’s biker is another nuisance he has to deal with. The question is how.

A deliciously wicked plan forms in his head, making him break out into a wide grin.

Perhaps he could kill both of these birds with one stone.



March 14th,2021

After a week of working out the kinks of the operation, Levi knocks on Shelly’s door late at night. She’d be awake, deep in a bottle, but that’s perfect. She’d be weaker, easier to handle.

“Levi? What a lovely surprise!” Shelly takes Levi’s gloved hand, pulling him into her dingy apartment. This place went belly up when Olina ran away. With Shelly’s live-in maid gone, she did little to keep the place clean. Thankfully, she still has enough cognizance to continue taking care of her own hygiene, but even that appears to be slipping as he eyes her tattered negligee and smudged makeup.

Booze bottles litter the kitchen counters and every level surface of the tiny apartment. How this woman gets to work daily is a mystery. Some people fuel up on coffee. Shelly fuels up on liquor.

“It’s been a while,” Shelly slurs, giving Levi a seductive smile. “Have you missed me?”

Once upon a time, Shelly held some sex appeal, nothing like her daughter, but screwing her wasn’t unbearable. Then again, if Levi had to fuck an old hag to get closer to Olina, he would have done it in a heartbeat. Shelly was attractive at the start of the relationship. Now, she’s skeletal, her skin stretched tight over her fine bones, making her look emaciated. Dark circles surround her blue eyes, giving them a sunken appearance. And her breath…Good Lord!You’d think she swallowed a distillery.

Gone are the small blessings of beauty and grace. Looking at her now, Levi feels he’s doing her a kindness. Relieving her of her mortal pains so she can finally have the peace she sought.

When Shelly goes to remove his coat, Levi catches her hands in his gloved ones. Him wearing leather gloves in March would be weird if not for the chilly Utah nights. His outfit sets off no alarm bells.

Holding her wrists together, Levi walks her backward until he has her flush against the wall. Shelly gazes at him with expectant eyes, mistaking his actions for sexual behavior. Her breathing picks up with lust while Levi’s accelerates with adrenaline. Locking her wrists in one hand, he creeps his other hand around her thin neck, collaring her.

Arousal through sexual asphyxia is nothing new for them. Levi learned long ago he could get her off without getting his dick wet. Over the last year, it was the only pleasure Shelly received from him.

Shelly leans into his hand, hurrying the process along. Too bad for her, it won’t end with sexual gratification.

Levi gradually increases the pressure, careful to not stir panic. Once Shelly is in a state of total relaxation, he adds his other hand to her neck and squeezes—hard.

Shelly’s eyes bulge, realizing she’s in danger. She claws at Levi’s leather-clad hands, tearing at his wool coat, anything as a last-ditch effort to get him to stop.

But it’s too late. The devil has her in his grip with no intention of releasing her. Shelly grows weaker with each agonizing second. Her feeble attempts to smack him away drop along with the deadweight of her hands. Within minutes, Shelly’s life slips away.

Levi continues to squeeze her neck long after she’s gone, too jacked up on endorphins to relax. When he’s certain she’s dead, he sweeps her body up in his arms, carrying her to the living room, where he lies her callously on the threadbare couch. He grabs her phone off the end table, removing the sim card from inside, replacing it with one that has no ties to him—one can never be too careful.

From his coat pocket, he pulls out the biker’s disposed coffee cup in the evidence bag. He removes it from the plastic and sets it on the coffee table next to Shelly’s body.