Page 103 of Engaging Opal

A couple clicks on the laptop and Jo pulls up a new building design. This one is much smaller since it only houses an industrial kitchen with all the amenities.

Atlas leans over my shoulder to get a better look. “What’s this?”

“A bakery for Opal to start her dream business,” I answer.

“Building on-site or off-site?”

“My preference would be on-site, but it’ll be wherever Opal wants.”

Atlas nods. “Done. You can build here where you want or send me the bill for the land off-site. Consider it a wedding present from Jo and me.”

I balk. “For real? You’re gifting me the land?”

“You’re my brother,” he answers matter of fact.

It’s not often that I get emotional. We’re brothers in all the ways that matter. It shouldn’t surprise me Atlas would gift something outlandish for a family member. He gifted Jo’s parents a cottage, after all. An acre of land is pocket change for him. “Bro…” I choke up, the work to clear my throat. “Thank you.”

Atlas slaps a hand on my shoulder, squeezing. “No thanks needed. Chase should be able to monitor Opal’s security well enough wherever the bakery goes.”

“I was thinking online orders or providing bakery to local restaurants until we find the perp.”

“Even better,” Atlas agrees. He runs a thumb over his square jaw, eyeing his wife. “Hope you’re not planning on breaking ground ‘till after the twins are born.”

“Maceo,” Jo warns in a low tone.

“Baby, the babies,” he explains, gesturing to her growing stomach. “With all your current projects and shit with Esteban, I don’t want you adding more to your plate. You’re under enough stress.”

Jo jabs the blueprints with her pointer finger. “This is my job. Don’t interfere. Besides, Jared and I already agreed he’ll be running point on this project. I’ll be able to sign off on engineering decisions while on maternity leave.”

“The point of maternity leave is not to do any work, Josephine,” Atlas chides, his hackles rising as he moves closer to his wife. It’s a challenge for him to not become domineering.

Jared interrupts. “I’ll only consult her if anything needs engineering clearance. I’ll do everything within my power to avoid bothering Jo while she’s recovering and bonding with your boys.”

“Don’t worry, brother,” I placate. “We can’t break ground until late spring, anyway. The twins may be born before then.”

Atlas runs his hand over Jo’s stomach, concern etching his hard mug. “I worry, is all.”

Jo places her hand over his. “I know, and that’s okay. Trust me to know my limits.” She turns to me with a big smile. “When are you going to pop the question?”

Last year, Opal and I weren’t able to celebrate our back-to-back birthdays together. We went to the cabin the month before, anticipating me being away for work—it wasn’t the same. When I returned from the assignment overseas, everything went to shit because I couldn’t get out of my head. This year, I want to make the occasion special for both of us.

“On her twenty-third birthday—March twentieth.”


We all freeze for a second, hearing one of the guys give the warning signal.

Quickly, the four of us scramble to roll up the blueprints and hide the paperwork from my engagement ring purchase. Jared and Jo run out of the office with their things. Atlas plants his butt across from me, acting like we’re discussing an upcoming assignment when Opal waltzes into the room with a plate of muffins in her hands.

“Hey, Handsome. Thought you’d like an afternoon snack. Oh, hi, Atlas. Hope I’m not interrupting a business meeting. Would you like a muffin too? I made plenty.”

Atlas grins like the cat who stole the cream. “Like you have to ask.” He stands, snagging a muffin before giving her a peck on her luminous, pale cheek. “And you’re not interrupting. We’re done for the day.” He flashes me a smirk before saluting as he walks out the door.

That was too close. I pray Opal doesn’t look closely, questioning why I’m sweating like a fiend.

Opal places the plate of muffins in front of me. She drops into my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Did you miss me while I was in the kitchen?”

“I miss you any time you’re not next to me,” I admit, leaning in to claim her plump lips. Sweet as sugar every damn time.