Page 9 of Engaging Opal



“Why did you ask me to go with you?”

He moves further into my bubble, his eyes holding mine hostage. “Aside from getting you away from that abusive piece of shit club owner?” He looks me up and down once more, making his interest crystal clear. “There was no way I was leaving without you.”

My insides melt. I bite my bottom lip to stop a moan from escaping.

Gauge backs away, disappearing behind the curtain.

After he’s gone, I hop to it, pulling on my faded denim jacket. I wore my Converse sneakers here, but Gauge said to leave the platform heels alone. Goodbye, trusty Converse—you served me well.

No. I can’t leave them behind when I already have so little. I shove them in my bucket purse.

Starlight is squeezing me in a bear hug when we hear a loud crash. We run out to the hall where the offices are located.

Benny is on the ground with his hands on his head. The Goliath tattooed man who was sitting next to Gauge earlier has a gun trained on him. On his leather cut, his name patch readsPresident Atlas.

Some MC members have cracked the safe open, pulling out vast amounts of cash into a bag.

“Yousonofabitches! That’s my money,” Benny spits.

“Wrong. This is the money you owe Opal for assaulting her on the stage. We’re saving you the added expense of a lawyer. You should thank us for making this easy. I’d have gladly put a bullet in you,” Atlas declares sinisterly. He glances over his shoulder at one of his men. “How’s it coming, Chase?”

The Buddy Holly glasses biker with all the facial piercings types away on the computer at Benny’s desk. “Done, Atlas. I’ve wiped all video surveillance clean, including everything on Gauge’s girl.”

Gauge’s girl?I met the guy less than ten minutes ago, and they think I’m his girl? Is this some kind of weird biker claiming thing?

Common sense has taken a back seat. My subconscious is screaming with delight. The sexiest man I’ve ever laid eyes on, saving me from hell and being called his girl, has me nearly swooning.

“Muy bien,”Atlas says to Chase before his black eyes land on me. He gives me a friendly smile, or as friendly a smile he can provide. “There she is. Come see what we got you.”

I take a cautious step into the office, peeking inside the bag on the desk.

Jesus!That’s a lot of money. No idea how much, but it gives me security, plus a bonus.

“I can’t take this,” I sputter to Atlas. “It doesn’t feel right.”

Atlas waves me closer. “What would make itfeel right?”

My eyes glance at Starlight and the other dancers in the hall. I realize what will make me feel better. I look back at Atlas. “To give it away. Benny was notorious for short-changing the dancers.”

Atlas nods his head with a slight smile on his face, almost like he’s pleased with my response. Was he testing me? Seeing if I would do the right thing when presented with an opportunity to take advantage of a situation? If it was, I passed. I’ve only ever taken what I’ve needed to survive, knowing there are many who need the resources too.

Atlas smirks, looking over my head. “What do you think, brother?”

“Sounds perfect to me,” Gauge answers behind me.

I turn to face him. He looks at me warmly, his emerald eyes twinkling. “Go ahead, Opal.”

Hefting the heavy bag in my scrawny arms, I run into the hall and shove it into Starlight’s embrace. She nearly falls backward on her heels.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you and the girls an early retirement. Go! Quickly.”

Starlight balks. “You can’t be serious. Opal, you need this.”