Page 41 of Engaging Opal

“The kind that doesn’t like others looking at what is for his eyes only. If I buy a pole and Gauge finds out Opal’s being eye-fucked by any of our brothers, he’ll go postal on my babies,” Chase states.

“Babies?” I ask excitedly.

“He means his computers,” Ebony clarifies. “Calm your ovaries.”

Dang.I love babies. Those chubby cheeks always do me in.

“Man up, Chase. We want a pole,” Candy whines. “The chosen one is going to teach us, so make it happen.”

Chase grabs at his tawny-colored man-bun, gritting his teeth. “Fine. But it’s being installed in the basement.”

Red raises a slender hand. “Couldn’t an MC member go downstairs to watch?”

“Point well made,” Chase says. “New house rule: no brothers allowed downstairs while you girls practice.”

The bunnies groan while I sigh with relief.

“Not fair,” Candy sulks, folding her arms under her augmented breasts.

“Rules are rules. It’s my butt on the line.” Chase grumbles, tugging on his man-bun again. “Ladies, if I get you a pole, will you promise to behave?”

Ebony shrugs. “I mean, we can, but where’s the fun in that?”

Chase points his finger at all of us. “You better, or it will be dismantled.” He heads back toward the back door. “I’ll have one here by tonight.”

As soon as the door shuts, we break out into delighted squeals.



Our crew arrives home close to midnight. I’ve gone two weeks without Opal’s love. I need her sweetness to chase away the awful visuals from our latest assignment.

Eager to kiss my woman and hold her soft curves against all my hardness, I sprint to our bunkroom. I drop my bag and hop in our shared bunk when I find the bed is vacant.

Where the hell is my precious woman?

I shake my sleeping brother’s shoulder. “Chase?”

He startles awake, flying upright. “What’s happening? Do we need to leave?”

“No, man,” I answer quickly to calm him down. I feel like a dick for waking him. The guy is so high-strung, he rarely sleeps. “All is good. But Opal is MIA.”

Chase falls back against his pillow. “Did you check the kitchen? She practically lives in the oven.”

“Nah, bro. She ain’t in there. I came through the back door. I would’ve seen her.”

“Check the basement.” Chase yawns before he’s out cold again.

The basement? Why is my woman doing laundry at this hour?

I cut through the rental, making my way downstairs.

The basement is a typical musty storage unit where we keep most of our tactical gear and weapons. The only other purpose it has is housing the washroom.

Noticing the light isn’t on, I flick the switch, but nothing happens. No matter. The dark won’t keep me from finding Opal.

Moonlight filters through the squat block windows of the basement. I can see the sexy silhouette of my girl bending over like she’s stretching. The darkness does nothing to hide her hourglass figure. Soft music plays from her direction.