Page 126 of Engaging Opal

Desperate, I try another angle. “Please, Levi. I’ve witnessed enough violence while trapped in the MC. Don’t be like them.”

For a heartbeat, Levi pauses, considering my request. I’m hopeful enough to be crushed when he raises his own weapon toward Gauge. “Then I’ll end him instead.”

“Wait!” I interrupt hastily. “I—I changed my mind. I should be the one.”

Smug, Levi lowers his weapon. He motions with his gun to retrieve Gauge’s weapon. My legs shake as I force myself to recover the gun from the grass. I’ve never held a weapon before, never had a desire to. It’s cold and heavy in my small grasp. But feeling its weight in my hands is like a weight pressing down on my chest, reinforcing my refusal to hurt the man I love.

There’s only one person who Levi wants, and that’s me. I don’t care what happens to me anymore, if I live or die. All that matters is Gauge.

My knowledge of guns is squat. I could attempt to shoot Levi, but with my dumb luck, I’ll probably miss.

If I could just steer the danger away from Gauge…

My feet take off well before my mind follows. I’m no sprinter by any stretch, but I haul ass for the surrounding woods, desperate to drag Levi away from Gauge. He wants me, after all. He’ll come chasing.

My lungs burn and my legs scream in protest as I race blindly into the thick Colorado vegetation with Levi hollering close behind.



Opal takes off faster than a mule deer shot in the ass, racing into the dark wilderness behind the empty bungalow.

“OLINA!” Levi roars, chasing after her.

My body springs into action, sprinting after him as he quickly gains ground on her.

“Run, Opal!” I shout. She can’t slow down, or he’ll be on her in a flash.

The terrain is not suitable for running. Giant, jagged rocks and fallen trees slow everyone’s advancement the further we move up the incline. Daylight is dwindling in the evening sky, making navigation more hazardous. The only plus side is Opal being smaller, making her able to move better, avoiding several obstacles that get in the way with my and Levi’s height. The terrain is dangerous, but I’m trained to handle the wild elements.

I cover the distance, slamming my shoulder into his back. We both hit the ground hard, causing Levi to lose his gun on the dark forest floor. He rolls down into the gulley of the hillside, landing flat on his stomach, floundering like a beached whale. I tumble, nearly going over the same slope, but wind back on my feet fast enough to avoid falling.

The urge to beat the life out of him is strong, but going down a hillside puts me at a disadvantage if Levi can find his gun as I make my descent. I’d be a sitting duck again. My top priority is getting Opal to safety. I take off running after Opal, hearing Levi rage behind me while he scavenges for his weapon.

Opal has gained enough ground that I can only make out glimpses of her colored hair as she dips and dives around rocks and thick brush. Gritting my teeth, I push forward on my toes, pumping my arms faster. I block out my uneasiness, praying our trackers will still get signals as we climb higher in elevation.

Coming over the crest of the hillside, the landscape plateaus for some distance before sloping upward. However, the vegetation is thicker, making visibility hard. My eyes might be playing tricks on me in the dark, but I swear I see Opal’s head duck down several meters ahead.

When I get closer, I notice the immense trunk of a fallen Colorado Spruce. I hurdle the log, landing beside Opal, getting my hand up in time to cover her mouth before she can scream. I press my finger to my lips, silencing her.

Without saying a word, I take my Glock from Opal’s trembling grasp. She’s so brave, but now is not the time to praise her. We need to focus.

We wait silently, straining our ears to hear for manmade noises in the night. Several minutes pass before I hear the telltale signs of ragged exertion and heavy feet moving along the rock and pine-needle forest floor.

Opal squeezes her eyes shut, fear radiating from her. I gently push her down, making her lie flat on the earth. When the bullets fly, I want her out of the crosshairs.

My ears barely pick up a thunderous rumble in the distance. The wind increases, and the sound fades in the passing breeze.

All goes quiet for another beat before a frustrated cry echoes around the surrounding wilderness.


Opal quivers on the ground, looking up at me with terrified eyes. That look may be the last one I have from her as I creep around the fallen tree trunk, inching closer to an unsuspecting Levi. His movements are jerky as he spins in half circles, trying to sniff out my woman like a hound.

Soundlessly, I make my way toward the bastard, ducking behind boulders and trees when he turns in my direction. When I’m twenty feet away from him, I notice the gun in his hand. Lucky fucker ended up finding his weapon. Currently, I have the advantage, but that could change quickly.

The wind speeds up once more, howling through the trees. Twenty feet may seem close, but uneven terrain factored in with the wind and several natural obstructions in the woods can fuck up my shot. I internally curse, wishing I had my shotgun. I’m a way better shot with a longer barrel.