Page 122 of Engaging Opal

“Local PD found his car abandoned off I-25 heading south this morning. Different license plates, but he couldn’t scratch out the VIN numbers enough to disguise it,” Chase says in a hushed tone. “I think he may have switched vehicles, stealing one from the park and ride lot close to the highway.”

Atlas curses under his breath. “Any vehicles reported missing from the area?”

Chase shakes his head. “That’s the problem with that park and ride. Sometimes those vehicles sit a week or longer before being ticketed. There’s no surveillance in the area, I checked.”

Gauge pinches the bridge of his Grecian nose. “He’s making his way toward us.”

“And we’ll greet him our way when he does,” Atlas reassures.

Chase spots me and loudly clears his throat, alerting his brothers. “Opal, hi.”

Gauge and Atlas turn their heads to see me standing in the doorway. Gauge is scrutinizing my facial expressions. Probably trying to guess what I overheard.

“Everything,” I admit, answering his unspoken question.

“Fucking hell,” he mutters, coming to my side. He pulls me into a crushing hug, like he’s trying to press his body around mine like armor. Anything to protect me. “He won’t get near you. I’ve got you.”

“Better that she’s aware of the dangers,” Atlas says. “Church meeting in five. We need to be high alert if he’s back in the area.”

* * *

After the club meeting, the group dispersed to their separate suites for the night. The crew isn’t on total lockdown. The guys can continue to work, but the family is limiting how much we go out. Unless it’s essential, nobody is leaving without going in pairs. A crew member will escort a woman at all times when she leaves the property. The goal is to stay vigilant without raising alarm bells if Levi’s spying.

After tossing and turning, I gave up on sleep and climbed out of bed. Alone in the bright kitchen surrounded by the early dark of morning outside, I knead a ball of dough on the smooth kitchen island, working out my frustration. A warm current sweeps through my body, sensing Gauge before I feel him slip his bulky arms around my waist, pulling me against his chiseled chest.

Relishing his touch, I sink against him. “Why are you awake, Handsome?”

He gives me a tender peck on my shoulder where my t-shirt has slipped down. “The bed was cold without you. What are you making? Can I help?”

Smiling, I cut the dough down the center, giving him half. “I’m not sure yet. More than anything, I’m just playing to distract myself.”

“I’ll give you a distraction and something to play with,” he hints teasingly. Gauge molds his dough into a tight ball, humming with appreciation. “Mmm. It feels just like when I squeeze your boob.”

“Gauge!” I smack his arm playfully, trying to fight my blushing smile. “No, it doesn’t.”

Abandoning the dough, he reaches over, gently squeezing my breasts through my shirt instead. “You’re right. Your tits feel a ton better.”

“You’re such a hornball.”

“You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

I giggle as his hands slide down to my waist, tickling my sides. He wraps his arms around me, resting his forehead against mine. “Come back to bed and let me help you forget everything.”

Like I could resist a request like that. “But the mess—”

“Can wait.”

He nips playfully at my lips, coaxing me to follow him to our suite. We’re nearly out of the kitchen when the familiar ping of a cell chimes. We both groan as Gauge reaches for his cell in the pocket of his track pants. He scowls at the screen. “It’s not me.”

Confused, I turn back to the kitchen island where my cell rests. An email came to my phone. Strange, because no one I know would try to reach me at this hour. On closer inspection, I notice the message is in my business account.

Curious, I read the email, a smile breaking across my face. “Gauge! I got an order.”

“That’s wonderful, Gorgeous,” he says enthusiastically, kissing my cheek. “What’s the order?”

My nose scrunches up. “Six dozen white chocolate macadamia nut cookies.” Not a favorite of mine, but that’s more for personal reasons than professional. I would not let my biased stop me.

“What time do you need to deliver them?”