Page 119 of Engaging Opal

“Are you fucking kidding me? Get away with that thing. I’m not being chipped.”

Atlas threw his head back with thunderous laughter. “Not so fun being on the receiving end, yeah, bro?”

Flay smirked. “Prez’s orders.” And, of course, Flay would be the one to implant the little bitch inside of me. The asshole probably volunteered. I would if our situations were reversed.

Now there’s a bump in my arm that has me itching like a dog with fleas. My grumbling came to a halt when I saw Opal sigh with relief. If it makes her feel better that I’m walking around with a GPS implant embedded inside of me, then I won’t complain.

Having Levi on the run has turned Shelly Allred’s murder investigation on him, leaving us clear of that mess. Phone records between Shelly and Levi prove there was a connection to the Allred women long before Opal went on the run. It colored Levi in a bad light for not revealing it to his superiors at the time of her disappearance. The more the feds dig, the more they discover Opal has a solid case against their comrade.

When Levi’s caught, he’ll be looking at some heavy jail time. Between Shelly’s murder and the child molestation charges, he’s royally fucked. Hell, he could even get the death penalty for Shelly’s murder being premeditated. It may be too much to hope for, but death by firing squad seems appropriate for the prick.

But today, we’re setting aside our worries to celebrate a monumental occasion—Jared and Ziggy’s wedding.

Ziggy is the second of our crew to get hitched. He snagged Jared nearly as fast as Atlas put a ring on Jo. You’d think Jared lassoed the moon the way Ziggy brags about him. Their relationship has been drama-free, unlike some in the crew. I’m happy they have it so easy.

It’s an evening wedding with the sun setting behind the happy couple as they stand in front of our biker family and close friends. Pretty low-key and relaxing as weddings go. The back patio is decorated with lit lanterns instead of the traditional flowers and foliage, making the primary focus of attention on the two grooms.

Butch stands proudly by his best friend Ziggy as his best man, while Jo smiles brightly, standing up as Jared’s matron of honor. Atlas coos quietly at his sons, rocking them in his enormous arms, with his in-laws fussing over the babies on either side of him. The MC women all sniffle while the rest of the crew motions for Tank to wrap up officiating so the actual party can start.

I’m envious of the guys as they exchange nuptials, wishing it was Opal and me sharing our vows instead. Soon, it will be our turn, but that day can’t come fast enough. I’m ready to be a husband, to show the world Opal is my wife and forever love. She’s my everything sweet, with an extra scoop of sugar on top.

Needing my eye candy, I glance at the rainbow-haired beauty sitting beside me. Opal wears a pale blue sundress that hugs her curves in all the right places. She stares wistfully up at the two grooms with tears in her eyes and her hands clasped close to her chest. My woman is so precious, always happy for others, rejoicing in their happiness.

While she watches in awe at the exchange of rings, I silently watch her, memorizing every luminous inch of her. I’ve stared at her a million times, but it never gets old. Something about her is exceptionally alluring. The way her heart-shaped face is an accurate reflection of her gentle soul, or how her eyes seem to dance when she smiles. She radiates beauty and joy, and it draws me in like a magnet, connecting me with her with an unbreakable bond. There’s only one woman who could ever hold my jagged heart, and it’s her.

“You may kiss the groom,” Tank finally announces.

The two men share their first kiss as husbands, showcasing plenty of enthusiasm while the guests cheer and whistle. With the nuptials solidified, the party moves inside with the evening summer heat still too strong. Good food and great company lead to many laughs and stories shared.

As the booze flows, the celebration picks up. The grooms make the rounds together, thanking everyone for being present for their joyous occasion.

Tank follows Ebony around like a giant puppy dog, begging for a dance. Ebony, of course, loves the attention, teasingly yanking on the invisible chain. Reaper has Red tucked into his side, cracking dad jokes, anything to make the leggy woman smile. Candy and Butch are off to the side, murmuring in low tones, but sharing plenty of smiles with each other. Punk is retelling tales of dates gone wrong, making all of us belly laugh.

And Chase… He’s got his eyes locked on Simone as she socializes with the room. He sees his opening when Simone finishes chatting with her parents, pouncing on her like a cat on a mouse. Before Simone can protest, he’s pulling her into his arms for a dance. As stubborn as Simone is, she caves under his touch. I’ve got a bet against Punk that those two will be the next to spouse up.

Atlas and Jo slip outside to the lit firepit on the patio when the noise becomes too loud for the babies. Opal and I follow, wanting to spend some quiet time with our closest friends. After Jo finishes nursing the twins, Opal earnestly thrusts out her hands for one of our nephews. Atlas takes Cruz from Jo and carefully places him in Opal’s arms. The twins were preemies, but you would never know it. They’re plumping up, no doubt taking after their beast of a father.

Opal hums a lullaby, unable to stop smiling at the little bundle in her arms. I scoot closer to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. Something about Opal doting on a baby has my cock stirring in my pants. My mind automatically pictures her round with my child, rubbing her swollen stomach with tenderness.

Fuck.I want a kid. Like now.

When Opal entered my life, I instantly knew I wanted a family with her someday. Crazy? Maybe. But they say when you know, you know.

Lately, the need to breed has been over the top. Asking this of her seems selfish while things are tremulous with Levi. Yet, it doesn’t mean that I don’t want it as much as I want Opal.

The evening is pleasant as the four of us chat, enjoying the sounds of laughter pouring out from within headquarters. As the time slips by, Opal covers a yawn with her hand. Atlas smiles, eager to take his son back for some last minute snuggles before bed. We say our goodnights, congratulating the grooms as we head off to bed. The music and laughter drown out as we close the door of our soundproof suite.

We’re definitely going to make love tonight, but like an old couple, we have our routine that we don’t like to deviate from. We peel out of our dress clothes, helping each other with zippers and buttons. I’m not much of a fan of formal attire, but weddings are an exception. Feels pretty good to shed them at the end of the night.

Opal brushes her teeth as I turn down the bed. She comes out to put her bra away in the walk-in closet, still cleaning her teeth. My eyes follow her, drinking her in. She’s dressed in only her lacy panties. Her voluptuous tits are on full display, swaying just like her curvy hips. My woman is not even trying to tempt me and I’m drooling like a wolf eyeing a T-Bone.

Eager to get her in bed, I hustle into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Scrub, rinse, done. As I put my toothbrush in the holder, I look down in the wastebasket next to the sink, noticing the box of condoms has fallen into it.

It must have been knocked off by mistake. I scoop it out, placing it back on the counter where it belongs.

Opal comes back into the bathroom to rinse her mouth. She places her toothbrush next to mine at the same time she spies the condom box. Before I can blink, she tosses it back in the wastebasket.

I do a double-take, nearly short-circuiting with what I see.