Page 100 of Engaging Opal

Gauge scowls, realizing we’re messing with him. “Women,” he mutters, sulking out of the kitchen.

“Come back, VP,” Candy cajoles. “Don’t be so uptight.”

My laughter weans as I watch Gauge withdraw into the living room. A familiar pang in my chest resurfaces.

“Hey, you okay?” Candy asks, concerned. “I’m sorry if I upset you. It was a joke, but I can see where I may have overstepped.”

I shake my head, reassuring her with a smile. “No, it was funny. I promise no hard feelings. I just had an epiphany.”

Watching Gauge’s retreating figure has made everything clear why I’m having difficulty confiding in him about Levi’s identity. If anything, I may double down on keeping my mouth shut.



December 2020

As much as Levi wants to have eyes on Olina around the clock, he’s resigned himself to traveling back and forth, monitoring the situation while continuing his other FBI duties.

There’s no rush. She isn’t going anywhere. The filthy biker has Olina locked up tight in a secure environment. He didn’t need to move Levi’s girl to a safer location when he had everything at his disposal to keep her safe. The odds of her escaping the scum’s attention are nonexistent.

From the safety of his home, Levi goes down the list of objectives he needs to complete before setting his extraction plan into action. Preparations for Olina’s return being the first on his list.

Levi is disgusted with himself for not already having an exit strategy in place. Confronting Olina outside of the Mercy Ravens MC headquarters set a fire under Levi’s ass to get everything for a quick escape if need be.

He stupidly approached her in his car as she walked to the mailbox on the compound. Had Levi thought clearly, he never would’ve approached her with the biker tailing her. His need for her outweighed his common sense—it could’ve cost him everything.

When Levi called out to Olina from his car, she locked eyes with him, paled, and fainted. The biker caught her, and Levi sped off, realizing his mistake. It was foolish to put himself in a position where one of the MC bikers could have gotten a good look at him.

Panicked, Levi returned to Utah, waiting anxiously for a report from his office stating his past transgressions against Olina. Nothing ever did. Either the biker couldn’t identify him, or the MC was doing its own investigation.

He’s banking on the former.

It’s clear Olina hasn’t ratted him out, or else he’d be in cuffs at this moment.

The surge of power he gets from her silence is fuel to his flame. He still has control over her all these years. She fears his past threats, which means, in his head, she’s still his little girl.

Levi has been hoarding money since the moment he walked into Olina’s life, knowing full well his involvement with her could land him in hot water with the very agents he works with. He has plenty of cash to give them a new life far away from where anyone can reach them.

His bags are packed along with a bag of clothing for Olina.

Forging documents is a tedious task and needs to be handled delicately to not to be traced back to him. It pays to work in the FBI. You get to know all the shady individuals of the world who do such illegal acts as a way of making a living. A man in Portland, Oregon runs an operation out of his basement that rivals the real deal. It costs a pretty penny, but it’s worth having the new birth certificates, social security cards, drivers’ licenses, passports, and even a marriage certificate.

Levi is ready to take Olina and live a vagabond lifestyle.

The second, more difficult objective on his list is to create a diversion, allowing Levi to remove Olina from the compound. The amount of cases connected to the Mercy Ravens MC Security mercenary missions in the FBI archives is astounding. Accessing digital copies in the FBI database could alert those in the bureau who work closely with the bikers. It had to be handled old school. He bribed the guard in archives to give him access to the files.

Combing case files is grueling work when you’re searching for something solid to use against the bikers. But when you’re committed to doing anything to get what you want, you put in the time. Levi spends many hours diving deep, hoping, praying, he’ll find something that will stick.



January 2021

Overwhelmed, I chew on the inside of my cheek as I examine the spread of diamonds the jeweler has laid out on the velvet pad on my office desk. I’ve got precisely an hour left before Opal finishes her baking project for the day and comes looking for me.

“That one,” Red says in awe, pointing to a perfectly round diamond.